Chapter 4 : The Kings Of Nordland.

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As the messangers of King Herald Road far and wide across the great Kingdoms of Nordland.

They ride with determined and unwinded speed to the kings of each Kingdom, the messangers bearing a message for them to meet with King Herald at the Citadel of Aristotles The Wiser.

As King Herald Segudson of Glaudia Road out to the Citadel of Aristotles. He had Count Formal and a few other Surviving Saderan Legionnaires taken into custody with there clothes being stripped and replaced with a simple wool cloth shirt and pants.

The Saderan Soldiers tried to rebel, but they were keeped in line by Nordland Knights escorting King Herald. Those who escaped were hunted and run through with a Cavalry Lance.

Count Formal's mind raced. Trying to think as to why he and his Italican soldiers were being brought alongside King Herald Segudson of Glaudia, but the poor count thinks a more morbid fate awaited him, perhaps this is a mere execution as they led him to a Rope hanging by a tree.

But allas Count Formal was wrong as soon as they reached the Citadel Of Aristotles they were emmidiatelly taken away in Awe at the massive city.

King Herald explained that this is the Citadel Of Aristotles. A city that acted as a magical conduit for the entire city is a magical city.

Count Formal and his men were taken completely off guard in shock and Awe, not even the great city of Rondol could compare to the Citadel Of Aristotles in all its might and Majesty.

For the buildings are taller then even the highest Mountains in All of Nordland.

There was even a massive bridge under construction, so large was the bridge that is was built over a massive Trench.

And on the walls were more Nordland Cannons and there cannon crews. Alongside Nordland Garrison Soldiers watching the walls.

As they entered the city King Herald ordered the City Guards to imprison the Count and his men and to keep them under close watch at all times.

As King Herald made his way to the massive Citadel in the center of the city.

The Nordlander Mages living in the city Bowed down to King Herald as he passed by as a sigh of Respect.

The Children in the City also ran alongside the Knights and the King of Glaudia, making Herald Smile and to give one child a small Purse of Silver Nordlander Coins.

Then finnaly to the final steps to the Citadel, a familiar face came out of the Citadel.

He was an old man, but wise. And a teacher to the younger students in this Citadel of his construction. He has white hair and a beard and wore a white Toga over a blue wool and Silk garment. It was Aristotles the Wiser of Nordland.

Aristotles said

" It has been such a long time hasn't old friend ? "

King Herald replied
" Indeed it has... How has my old mentor been all this time ? "

Aristotles smiled and he said
" It's Good, teaching the younger men here in this school of mine come here I want to see your face. "

" You haven't change in the slithest Aristotles the wiser. "
King Herald said as he dismounted and came over to his old Friend and Mentor from when he was a mere child.

Aristotles examined his body and checking his armor and his personal favorite weapon the massive Warhammer known as
Star sunder.

Aristotles smiles and nods in approval " From a young stupid and naive little Boy, to the king of Glaudia. "

" You called everyone Stupid until they learned how to talk with merit Aristotles. " Said King Herald.

The two men laugh and hugged each other, Teacher and Student.
" Good to see again Herald Segudson. " Aristotles said.

As Aristotles led him within the Citadel, Sir Klement and his second company of Knights stood guard outside the Citadel as there  liege entered.

Along the way Aristotles asked
" So I understand that a " Gate" appeared in your territory. In the forests. "

" Yes, Obviously its magical in nature and from that Gate a mysterious army from a placed they call Falmart came to fight for " The Saderan Empire. " and now I have a Count imprisoned here... I hope you don't mind. "
King Herald Said.

Aristotles replies
" No no, it won't be a problem and it makes those lazy Bastards at the prison do something useful to earn there posting here. "

Aristotles led King Herald to a Room where the other Kings of Nordland are awaiting him.

King Cambyses. King Lancaster and King Salmare awaited him.
In that Grim Dark meeting room that the kings had used for many Centuries. With a fire in the center to light the room.

King Cambyses stood and said

" I see we are all in attendance."
Before sitting back down.

King Herald sat down, next to King Cambyses.

King Salmere looked at Cambyses his Blue eyes were most striking.

And King Lancaster placed both hands upon his sword, as in contemplating a move.

The Room was dreadfully silent. As they were silent for they were paying respects for the fallen Kings whom used to occupy the now vacant sits in the room.

Then the kings began to talk strategy and there plans to go to this place called Falmart.

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