Chapter 8 : Battle Of Alnus Hill Part 2

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As the Battle on the ground rages on the Allied Armies began to feel the discipline of the Nordlander Soldiers.

The Nordland soldiers to spite taking casualties remained true to there discipline and honor and they stayed in organized battle formation.

The Dead Nordlander soldiers who parished in the Deadly Melee found there souls returning to the Dining Halls of Eden. The Nordland Underworld.

But the Allied Kingdoms suffered more Casualties from Melee due to the simple Fact of the Cannister Shot firing over them again. Killing hundreds and wounded Dozens more some even loosing Limbs.

What was worse yet for the Allied Kingdoms is that they found it difficult to fight in close quarters with the Nordlanders due to there Heavy Steel Shields which was used effectively with there Long Swords. The Nordland armor was also highly resilient as Duran's men found the Nordland armor Difficult to Peirce. And at a heavy price for officers and Brave Men.

Archers from the Allied Kingdoms rained down a hail of  Arrows upon the Nordland Army wounding Some but most bounced off the shields and armor.

The Nordland Infantry responded to the Archer fire by throwing Grenades at them. Nordland Grenades are made of Hard steel, and filled with Gun Powder when they exploded Shrapnel would fly out and kill all those it made contact with. And the when it was used againts the enemy archers, not a single one survived the blast.

The infantry battle was getting no were for both sides. But the Varangian Guard was starting to make bloody progress cutting there way to the enemy camps.

King Lancaster and his Grey Knights alongside Soldiers from his part of Nordland found themselves locked in a bloody stalemate.

King Lancaster and his men were fighting the Saderans on a Muddy Marsh and in the swirling Melee many men from both sides Died.

So close up was the fighting that the Dead didn't even have time to fall to the ground.

King Lancaster maybe be an Old man but he is still the leading member of House Lancaster and the rulers of one of the Nordland states.

House Lancaster was known for producing the best warriors and leaders Nordland ever had and King Lancaster got on his horse drew his long sword and said
" It is me : King Lancaster, Warrior Ruler of the one of the Nordland and States, and with God's help. WE WILL CONQUER!"

King Lancaster's men raised there weapons high in the air and they cheered to let out war cries, and now they redoubled and there efforts and threw themselves into the Fray.

King Lancaster and his Grey Knights then Charged down from a Small Hill and Crashed into The enemy's left wing with such  devastating Force That the Allied Army soldiers from Elbe had to pull off a Fighting Retreat.

King Lancaster swung his long sword chopping off a Elbe soldier's Head, then he slashed and took of the Arm of another Elbe Soldier and then he swings his sword to the Right and he managed to kill a mounted Saderan Knight as he and his Grey Knights continue to cycle back and forth between attacks each charge more devastating then the last.

King Lancaster proved his valor and skill in combat and he and his men won the battle and are now threatening the Right side of The Allied Kingdoms.

In the Center the Nordland Soldier began to get the better off the Day, Nordland Infantry fighting with King Herald.

Nordland Pikemen and Spear Men forced Phalanx like Formations cutting those those who got within striking distance.
King Herald was deep in the fighting. The magical power of his warhammer killing enemies and sending them flying across the battlefield.

Then Herald found Himself Besieged by an Enemy Orge, it smashed the ground sending the King Flying.

But as it was about to kill King Herald a voice shouted " My Lord ! " a Nordland Giant then  charged and did mighty battle with the Orge.

The Nordland Giant fought with the Saderan Orge protecting his King, the Orge hit the Nordland giant in the stomach but the heavy armor of the Nordland protected the Nordlander Giant.

The Nordlander Giant tackled the Orge to the ground Crusing trees and Allied Kingdom Soldiers alike. The Nordlander Giant then grabbed the Orge by the neck and began punching the Orge with all his might until the Orge was dead.

Then more Orges came, but the Nordland Giants who came along did battle with them, the Orges of Falmart are strong but are no match for the superior intelligent nature of Nordlander Giants and there Clubs proved no match for the Nordland Forged Giant Swords.

The Nordland Giants let loose upon the Allied Kingdom Soldiers stomping upon the enemy below them and using there massive Swords to cleave away at the Enemy Ranks as the Varangian Guards and the Nordland troops advanced driving the Enemy Back.

King Herald himself led the charge shouting out : " FOR NORDLAND ! " He then stroke the enemy with his Warhammer killing enemy soldiers as the Nordlanders pushed forward.

Then the Nordlander Bombards began firing again, sending waves of Cannister Shot beyond the enemy to shower the path of  retreat with Cannister Shot to cut off the enemy from Retreat.

It Worked the Allied Kingdoms were surrounded and trapped at Alnus Hill. The Kings and Duke rallied there men to make a final last Stand.

In the Air King Salmere and his Nordland Dragon rider knights managed to secure the skies and King Salmere brought in Bomber Dragons.

Nordland Bomber Dragon Riders are Dragon riders with large systematic Steel plates within a Box of steel. Containing hundreds Of Small Cannon Balls.

When Salmere's Bomber Riders released the payloads performing Crude Bombing Runs they destroyed the Saderan Camp and killed off hundreds more before letting the Rest of the Nordland Armies move in for the kill.

Nordland Troops stood ready to storm the enemy positions while The Varangian Guard Eager and Ready for war as ever stood ready to charge.

Sir Klement and his 2nd Company of White Knights who have been at the thick of the Action also awaited orders with Grey Knights, and Red Knights.

King Cambyses who seeking to weaken the enemy called up Nordland Crossbow men.

The Nordland Crossbow men were Simple pessents Ready to do there Lord's bidding, they had powerfull Crossbows and are well Used and Surprisingly well Armored Missile Troops.

The Nordland Crossbow men fired disciplined volleys of Nordland Arrows into the enemy kingdom Ranks.

The Allied Kingdoms raised shields and braces for the arrows, the Arrows employed by the Nordlanders tore through the Enemy shields, as it was designed to kill Orkz.

And after a Steady Bombardment one by one the Kings and Duke Fell with there men until Duran ordered a Surrender.

The Nordlanders Cheered and started to dismantle and imprison the Allied Kingdom soldiers.

The Battle of Alnus Hill was won

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