Chapter 7 : Battle Of Alnus Hill.

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The Kings of Nordland and the Nordlandish armies form up in battle Formations at the crest of Alnus Hill.

Overhead King Salmere and his massive Dragon Riders 300 strong flew over the sky surveying the scene bellow.

King Cambyses being the warrior king of his people started taunting and and banging there shields and clinging there weapons, His Troops and the knights of the Red Order :
Also known As Nordland Red Knights also cheered and taunted there enemies to strike at them.

King Cambyses's Nordland Red Knight Order was more then mere elite knights, Nordland Red Knights were the Elite of the Elite with the best armor and weapons Nordland smiths could forge in the fires of there forges.

King Cambyses his men and his 2 Companies of Red Knights which accounted for 7000 Red Knights per Company were stationed on the left wing. " The Warrior's wing " they called it because of its fierce reputation to break through the enemy lines.

King Herald was at the Center of the Army, His Magical Warhammer filled with enchanted energy not seen in Falmart and never lacking in Power. With him were the main body of Nordland Soldiers coming from the Kingdom of Glaudia which accounted 100.000 Nordland soldiers. Half of the Nordland infantry was under King Herald's command.

The other 100. 000 men were subdivided between King Cambyses and King Lancaster as each halves of the army came from each respective Kingdoms.

King Lancaster drew his Long Sword a Company of 7000 of his Nordland Grey Knights and 5000 Cavalry from his domain as well as the infantry he brought with him. The Order of Nordland Grey Knights or Grey Knights for short. Were Recruited from Young members of Nordlander Nobility.

Nordland Grey Knights wore Steel Grey armor and are known for being Arrogant, but they can make up for there young naivety with there Competence in Battle when Charging the Enemy, while Requiring more experienced men to lead them in battle. The Nordland Grey Knights are Arrogant but it would be wrong to consider them inexperienced and overconfident Nobles from Nordland. This lads were tried and tested and time and time again they've pushed through.

And in the Center Nordland White Knights, Nordland White Nights were concidered one if the most iconic Knightly Orders of  Nordland. There Takes and Legend being told on for Generations along side Tales of  them fighting alongside Great Kings of Old as well as fighting alongside the Grey Knights and Red Knights, as a Result the 3 different orders had a mutual respect for one another and had no difficulties in working together.

The Allied Kingdoms of Falmart look upon the Size of the Nordland Armies in Awe and Fear they never expected to fight a numerically superior force. Even King Duran who was riding upon his Horse was beginning to have second thoughts.

But the Dukes and Kings of the Saderans refused to Give in to this fear and with the kings encouragement they push forward up the hill.

Both Sides, Nordlanders and Allied Kingdom Soldiers tainted at each other, but the Nordlanders hardened by years of War and experience were much much Louder then there Saderan Counterparts.

Infront of the Nordland Troops were the Varangian Guard, acting as a Vanguard heavy hitting Shock Troop that would engage the enemy before the main body of infantry would. Ready to cut apart the enemy with there massive Dane Axes.

The Varangian Guards have heard Rumers from Nordland Spies that the Saderans raped and killed children. And now the Varangians yearned for Vengeance for those they have slain in such dishonorable manner.

As the Allied armies moved forward, the Allied Kingdom soldiers found themselves under a steady stream of Cannister Shot from the massive Nordland Bombards. Cannister shot was essentially a Massive canister that explodes and sends out hundreds of shot gun like shells at the enemy infantry.

As the Cannister Shot came from the Nordlander Bombards thousands were litteraly shreaded with Cannister Shot while other lay wounded with many many cuts.

And in the Skies over the Battle field the Wyvern Riders of the Saderans met with the Dragon Rider Knights of King Salmere.
But as they clashed the Saderans Found wounding the Massive Dragons near impossible the Nordland Dragons were 3 times larger then the Wyverns of Saderan Empire.

And to the shock of the Saderans the Nordlander Dragon Riders mounts breathed Fire litteraly Burning many Wyverns to Death while the Nordlanders riding them cut down the Enemy Riders.

King Salmere was Riding on his Dragon Mount, when a Saderan Wyvern came to intercept him

" DIE BARBARIAN ! " Shouted the Saderans as he and his Wyvern Attacked.

But King Salmere was Quicker he guides his Dragon Mount around and he Chopped the Saderan soldier's Head off with his Long Sword while his Dragon ate the Wyvern Whole.

As the battle in the sky Rages on the Nordland Bombards stopped firing and the Varangian Guard surged Forward.

The Varangians clashed with the disoriented Allied Kingdom Lines cutting down Many foes with there Dane Axes, the Varangians were Elite Super Heavy Infantry. Hand picked by the Kings of Nordland themselves to serve in this prostigeous unit.

The Nordland Infantry also Engaged the Enemy easily pushing back the Allied Kingdom Soldiers that have been whittled and disorientated after the Cannister Shot Fire.

However the Allied Kingdoms soon revamped and reorganised there offensive and pressed on Crashing into the Nordland Infantry with there own. Casualties from the Nordlanders Side mounted and the Souls of Dead Nordlanders went back to Nordland and entered the Great Dining Halls of Eden. The Nordland Underworld.

But the Varangian Guard and Nordland Troops held there ground againts waves of Attacks. The Varangian were a feared sight in the Battle Field as not even the Orkish Auxiliaries the Pig men and not even the Goblins  of the Allied Kingdoms could do anything againts the Varangians.

The Varangian Guard fought with more ferocity then even the strongest in Sadera. Cutting through armor and shields with there Dane Axes with such ease it almost seems effortless.

So mighty were the Varangians that even the Allied Kingdom Cavalry could not break them and there resolve.

To the Left Wing King Cambyses saw the onslaught and he led his Red Knights to flank the enemy and he ordered his Infantry to hide in the forest.

In response the Allied Kingdom Cavalry charged at the Red Knights with all there might and pride.

But when the Nordland Red Knights clashed with the Allied Kingdom Cavalry, the Heavy armor and experienced nature of the Red Knights won the Battle as the Knights were swipped away with the Nordland Knight's weaponry. Encouraged by King Cambyses they pressed on trampling over horses and Saderan Knights alike.

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