Chapter 12 : Nordland Fortress Bastion.

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The Coda Villagers and even Lelei were more then happy to be with the Nordlanders. This Nordlander People as they called themselves were very different from the Saderans this people were proud and often times well disciplined.

The Nordlander People were Hardy and Hard Working, they were Honorable and often trustworthy.

As Lelei was wondering The Alnus Fortress Bastions he noticed the distinct design and practicality of such fortifications.

It was near impenetrable, as it was a masterpiece of Nordland military engineering, the Fortress Bastions at Alnus Hill was essentially a Fort, within a Fort within a Fort within a Fort.

And to make things even harder for potential attacks, the Nordlanders also built miniature Bombard Cannons and smaller Barrackses between each Fort and wall basicly ensuring that every bit of the Fort has to be payed for in Blood.

As the Nordlander scouts and Knights reported back to the Kings they began to plan for the next offensive.

The Kings met in a large dinner hall that had so recently been recreated as a Nordlander Meeting hall.

Varangian Guards armed with Halberds guarded the hall keeping a lonely vigile as they guarded the kings.

The Nordlander scouting parties  and Knights who were sent out into Falmart days ago emmidiatelly started reporting in about the city known as Italica.

The Nordland Kings upon hearing the reports began to deliberate amongst each other.

King Salmere said
" If this...Italica is such an important city then why not send in my Dragon knights to take it from the air. "

King Cambyses replied
" No, your dragons can only carry so many soldiers. We should march for the city instead it shouldn't make that much of a difference. "

King Lancaster said.
" Italica is a concern for us in the long term, it supplies our enemy with supplies and MASSIVE support in the form of Conscripts we must act quickly. "

" I Agree with you on that notion my Friend but... Who to send ? Our Armies still campaign on many fronts. " King Cambyses said

King Lancaster then replies
" King Herald The Hammer of Nordland. And his army is still in the Alnus Fortress Bastions. "

King Herald nodded
" My army is ready my friends, we came march for Italica emmidiatelly. "

The Kings who wanted to see the end of this war and return to Nordland agree each one of them exchanging pleasentries and leaving the room Varangian Guards escorting them all throughout there walks.

( Medical tent. )

Tuka woke up in a medical tent a quick examination of her sorroundings reveal that she was in a Purple Tent. It was quite large and she looked down to see that she was wearing a strange clothe.

She was wearing the long used  Nordland Medical fatigues. Used upon patients in Nordland.

Just then she saw a little girl talking to someone. " Will I be alright ? " she said.

The mysterious figure said
" I Can assure you it is a mere fever the Magistor Hospitalian advises plenty of bed rest and you should drink this atleast 3 times a Day should the fever Flare up. " he then gave her a pack of pink medicine.

When the figure finally revealed herself, Tuka was shaken a little by his appearance. He wore a mask that can be the stuff of nightmarish Visions of death and he wore 4 Layers of cloth and weilded a Staff with black gloves.

The man approached Tuka and took something from a nearby table and he pulled out a Steel thermometer with a symbol of the Doctorates of the Nordland colleges.

" I'm glad to see that you've awoken young Elven girl, I am Magistor Hospitalian kinsky. Graduate of the Nordland Colleges of Medicine. " he then signalled her to open her mouth and he placed the thermometer in her mouth, and when he examined it he nodded.

Magistor Kinsky said
" You will be alright, you have no fever and you seem to not be sick. You may be excused from my Care. "

Tuka asked
" Um. Excuse me how long have I been here ? "

The Magistor Hospitalian replies
" You've been here for a few Days now ever since Sir Klement and his White Knights found you. "

Tuka's eyes widen.
" Wait...My Father ! Where is my Father ! "

The Magistor lowered his head
" Ah yes, the whereabouts of your father.... "

He took off his hat
" I am Sorry ma'am but your father was burnt to death by a Flame Dragon... "

Tuka's eyes began to water up
" W-what are you saying !? " she began to soab and her tears ran down her face.

Magistor Kinsky got a niddle
" I am one and Truly sorry, but it is true. Calm yourself now. " he then injected her with a sleeping agent and she was calmed down.

" I... Am so sorry. "

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