Chapter 19 : Competent Falmartian Ally.

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In the feudal kingdom of Elbe King Cambyses marches with his Nordland force of 80.000 Nordland Troops 12 Bombards and 3 Companies of Nordland Red Knights to the kingdom of Elbe to help reinstall King Duran to his rightful place as King there.

King Cambyses and the Nordland Kings wanted Duran back on the throne for Practical reasons.

One of this reasons is because of the lack of any Allies in Falmart. And in light of King Duran accepting the Nordlander Offer of Freedom in exchange for Feilty Duran may prove a competent and useful Ally to the Nordlanders.

The Second Reason was so that the Nordlanders would have a Place to fall back to instead of having to march all the way back to far off cities like Italica. They could just retreat to Elbe should thing not go as planned and hold out there until reinforcements arrived.

The third reason was so that The Nordlanders can extend Supply lines and get convoys of reinforcements and supplies across vast distances with relative ease. And Duran with his knowledge of the land could guide said supplies to there intended destinations.

The fourth reason was because Cambyses was a wise man he knew that Nordland had no real interest in Falmart and the troops fighting in Falmart are better off fighting much larger threats Back home rather then fighting a foreign entity, in such a scenario the Nordlanders would atleast Know Elbe is on there side and with there experience and expertise from fighting with the Saderans could hold the Line or even push them back. Thus making Elbe a Bulwark of Nordland influence while no actual Nordlander would be there.

And The final reason was because King Cambyses had a promise to King Duran stating that he will help him reclaim the Throne of Elbe by any means he deemed Necessary. The reasoning for this promise was as stated before. Because the Nordlanders wanted a competent aally whom they can count upon in Falmart. And Duran alongside his Kingdom was a perfect candidate.

As The Nordlanders marched substancial amount of King Duran's troops have been released, pardoned and put under Duran's command. All togheter Duran's men numbered about 7.000 Elbe troops.

King Cambyses led from the front escorted by a Company of Nordland Red Knights and riding with him was King Duran escorted by his own contingent of Cavalrymen.

As they marched side by side. Elbe troops and Nordland Troops Duran looked back and he was curious at the orginized nature of the Nordlanders, as Behind the infantry was a large gathering of Wagens a " Supply Convoy " as the Nordlanders referred to them and Duran noted that this wagons carried Food and much provitions and water to supply an army in a march such as the one they are performing right now.

Duran also noticed the Dane Axe Weilding Varangian Guard numbering about 1000 men that followed closely behind King Cambyses on foot. And even carried they're own Standard bearer and officer to command them.

Duran looked at King Cambyses

" The men Weilding Axes, who are they ? "

King Cambyses responded
" They are the Varangian Guard, Elite Bodyguards and Nordland Infantry troops. This men are among the best Nordland has to offer in times of war. "

" I see... " King Duran then looked straight ahead " I noticed they were quite a formidable foe back at Alnus Hill, and I must say I am impressed. There even better then the Praetorian Guard of the Empire. "

King Cambyses sees someone approaching them on Horseback he raised his hands and the Army stops bracing themselves with there Weapons incase of Sudden Enemy attack.

" What is it ? " King Duran asked.

King Cambyses looked closer at the approaching Figure on Horseback, then he was relieved
" Not to worry yourself my Elbe Friend, its one of my Scouts. "

" Ah, I see perhaps he saw something Noteworthy. Maybe my Elbe Nobles don't want me back on the throne. " Duran Jockingly said.

The Nordlander Scout Road up to both Kings and gave a Bow " My Lord, An Enemy army of Saderan Origin has made a defensive position just ahead of our position, if we keep marching we will most certainly meet them in Glorious Battle my lord. "

King Cambyses asked
" How many enemy troops did you see Brave Soldier ? "

" I saw about 80 next to 90 thousand enemy troops. In fact there lined up for battle right now. " the Nordlander Scout said.

King Duran then said
" Hmm. It appears The Emperor doesn't want the Elbe back under my Control. No, I've had enough of Molt telling me what to do ! What say you my Nordlander Friend ? You are no Barbarians and you have shown me a different way, will you join me in Battle ? "

King Cambyses smiled and Drew his Long Sword " It shall be an honor King Duran, Today shall be A hard won but Glory filled battle. Won with Nordlander and Elbe steel ! Forward march ! "

The Nordlanders marched forward weapons at the Ready following there King without Hesitation. Or without a second thought, this was a chance to show the Elbe first hand that the Saderans will no longer dictate there lives.

" Follow me men for the Realm! "
Duran shouted and the Elbe troops followed him to make battle with the Saderan Army.

The 2 Forces met on the fields on Elbe.

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