Chapter 15 : Battle At Italica.

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King Herald and his Nordland army began fortifying and garrisoning Italica.

" Set up the bombards and Terror arrow scorpions ! " King Herald ordered his men. The Nordlander soldiers quickly began to set up the Artillery pieces, setting the Bombards up and over the walls of the city.

King Herald looked at the knight sky, it was almost daylight. A perfect time for a night raid he thought to himself.

King Herald looked upon Sir Klement and he said " Sir Klement you and your white knights are to wait in a suitable Charging position over the hills. Wait for my signal to charge and under no circumstances will you engage. "

Sir Klement replied
" As you say my Lord, White Knights with me ! " Sir Klement and his White Knights then road out to do the King's commands.

The Italican militiamen stood with the Nordlander soldiers confident with the warriors by there side. Then the attack began the bandits let loose a wave of flaming arrows. But the Nordlanders locked there shields togheter deflecting them all.

Then from down below, the bandit infantry began move up trying to scale the walls. But then arrows started to fall upon the bandits, and to there shock the arrows pierced through there shields and killed the ladder crews.

The arrows were fired from the terrifying Nordland Terror Gun Arrow Scorpios. Which was in essence a rapid fire machine gun of Nordland Arrows. This arrows are more then capable of piercing and breaking through armor.

As the bandits began to die in the hundreds of the terror arrows scorpios, the Nordland infantry on the walls also began throwing there Grenades and firing there matchlock short ranged pistols. Both of which had deadly effects on those trying to storm the city.

Then a Nordland veteran shouted " LADS, PREPARE FOR CLOSE QUERTERS COMBAT !!! "

The Nordlander infantry on the walls began locking there shields and started to draw there swords and other such melee weaponry as they engaged the bandits who got over the walls in a swirling melee.

King Herald also joined in on the fighting in the walls fighting with his legendary war Hammer and alongside his Varangian Guard bodyguards managed to not just repel the bandits. But absolutely crush the first wave.

King Herald then orders his Crossbows to let loose a volley at the next enemy wave, they soon started firing and they let loose a very large of Arrows.

And when the arrows started to hit there intended targets they caused more painful deaths, but  king Herald and his Nordlander soldiers noticed a massive concentration of Winds. And when King Herald tracked where this phenomenon was coming from he found that a magic user was casting a wind spell.

This spell stopped an entire second volley of Arrows, and King Herald could not allow such resistance he raised his warhammer to Sir Klement and his knights and ordered them to charge to stop the magic user and enemy reinforcements.

Sir Klement responding to his lord's call for help, responded by charging his entire 2nd company of white knights into the exposed enemy flanks crashing into the enemy with Shock and surprise killing many foes with there weapons and horses before they reached the magic user.

The magic user by the name of Myuute drew a sword from a fallen bandit as she tried to hold her ground.

However Sir Klement and 2 other knights charged. Sir Klement slashed wounding her in the knee, the second kinght hit the sword disarming her and the third dismounted and knocked her unconscious for questioning for certainly she could help in this far flung war in Falmart.

Sir Klement signalled King Herald by planting there banner of the hill which they stood upon signaling King Herald to fire the dreadful Bombards upon the enemy soldiers down below. Killing swaves of then with Cannister Shot. While the Nordlanders held the walls.

The Bandit assault began to falter under the weight of the stalwart Nordlander defence which was well planned and accounted for ang Princess Pina who was watching from on high had hope for victory, they are winning this day.

Then finally the Bandit attack fell apart and both Nordlanders and Italicans cheered at the victory

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