college idiots [pt. 2]

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loki odinson IS ONLINE

nat romanoff, carol danvers, AND thor odinson ARE ONLINE

nat romanoff: hi loki how are you today :')

loki odinson: i'm,, great?? thanks for asking?? you're so sweet??

tony stark IS ONLINE

tony stark: what have you done to nat she's gone pure

nat romanoff: good!! glad you're having a good day!! how's the poster coming? :'D

tony stark: oh god now i know

loki odinson: it's, coming.. still needs work. we still have like a week till it's due tho so it's fine lol

nat romanoff: loki

loki odinson: yes sweet nat?

loki odinson: oh god why is it taking her so long to type her response

nat romanoff: don't think that just because you're new here and that we stan you that i'll hesitate because i WON'T. try me. i dare you. that poster is done by three pm tomorrow. i will be at your dorm at 3 pm exactly to check. you're lucky i like you or i'd be busting your door down at this very moment. you've been warned.

nat romanoff: that's all :)

loki odinson: yyes miss romanoff it will be done

nat romanoff IS OFFLINE
loki odinson IS OFFLINE

tony stark: heh e

carol danvers: god i love it when she threatens people

tony stark: can't tell if that's a gay comment or not from our local lesbian but i'm gonna agree anyway

carol danvers: oh. totally gay.

tony stark: you literally?? have a girlfriend?? go thirst over her for once

carol danvers: she doesn't like it when i thirst over her unless it's after 9 pm :(( i lead a hard life you know

tony stark: catch me having a talk with val about that later today

carol danvers: you only want me to stop being gay for nat because you're gay for nat too

tony stark: weird way of saying it since thats,, not gay for me,, but yeah who isn't

clint barton IS ONLINE

clint barton: hey hey HEY. that's MY girlfriend you're talking about. MINE. BACK OFF. also lay off the thirsty comments or do it in a chat where i can't see it ight?? i only accept thirsty comments about her when they're coming from me after 9 pm

tony stark: what's it with everyone only liking comments after 9 pm?? is this a rule i don't know about??

clint barton: look idk fam alright i'm still confused on why nat even likes me but hey i'm like,, in love with her so i'm def not arguing

clint barton: have fun thirsting over my girlfriend bye

clint barton IS OFFLINE

thor odinson: i don't know what the word "thirsting" means but i also enjoy when nat threatens people, it's quite entertaining :D

thor odinson: i must go now, my brother is calling me frantically to help assemble a board. goodbye friends!

thor odinson IS OFFLINE

tony stark: he is one of the purest people i will ever have the honor of knowing i swear–

carol danvers: a literal cinnamon roll

carol danvers: alright i gotta go val wants to hit this party tonight and i'm sure she's planning on getting blackout drunk so i gotta prep the room for her

tony stark: alright too far i don't need to hear that stuff

carol danvers: i mean i gotta drunk-proof it! like move the breakable stuff, move the tables out of the way, make it very easy for her to pass out in bed

carol danvers: jeez stark i'm not that vocal about that stuff

tony stark: you,, literally were talking about how hot it is when nat threatens people,, but go off i guess

carol danvers: bye loser

tony stark: bye idiot

carol danvers AND tony stark ARE OFFLINE

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