when i'm on the road🎶 [pt. 6]

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uncle winter wolf sir IS ONLINE

petty tiny man, momma buggie boo, poppa shrinky dink, uncle bird, old, spider ex-mommie, old lame dad, uncle rhodey<3, AND peter van dyne ARE ONLINE

uncle winter wolf sir: i can't believe you all

petty tiny man: to be fair like half the group was unaware

uncle winter wolf sir: i'd expect this from clint and sam, but natasha? HOPE? i don't know whether to be ashamed of myself for falling for it or disappointed in you guys

momma buggie boo: don't leave out tony, he found out too but decided to play along

momma buggie boo: he also hinted that peter caught on but i don't know if tony ever confirmed it

petty tiny man: and to think i could trust you hope

uncle bird: i have no regrets. this has been one of the best days of my life. hope is now one of my best friends. we have a group chat called "buckys pain is our happiness". life is good.

spider ex-mommie: hey. that's my girlfriend you're talking about. tread lightly

old lame dad: am i a joke to you?

spider ex-mommie: yes

momma buggie boo: yes

peter van dyne: yes

petty tiny man: peter

peter van dyne: i havent said anything in a while and i wanted to help

old: as entertaining as dinner was, i do think that bucky has a right to be angry. you guys spent a majority of his money and led him to believe he was flirting with a girl that was interested in him, then brought the things you bought to dinner. i'd be mad as well.

poppa shrinky dink: it also wasnt very cash money of you to act sick all day hope, some of us were worried about you

peter van dyne: please tell me mr lang did not just say cash money

momma buggie boo: he says it all the time it makes me so annoyed and he knows it

old lame dad: dont poke the wasp scott

poppa shrinky dink: after today i'll poke the wasp all i want. fight me hope

momma buggie boo: you're gonna regret that but okay

uncle winter wolf sir: can we PLEASE get back on topic??? i might punch something

peter van dyne: this sounds like a good time to stream "it's you" by ali gatie

uncle rhodey<3: but hope already broke buckys heart. he is bad at choosing lovers

peter van dyne: i knew you were my favorite uncle for a reason

peter van dyne: no one:

peter van dyne: no one:bucky:

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