42ND STREET. [pt. 3]

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stark: everyone in their positions?

j barnes, steve rogers, AND nat romi ARE ONLINE

steve rogers: yes

nat romi: yes

j barnes: yes

stark: wow, barnes gave me an answer that wasn't sarcastic

stark: you really that stressed?

j barnes: look i joke around a lot but now isn't a time to

j barnes: we're ready to move on your command, stark.

stark: okay. just a few more minutes.

stark: how's the roof, rogers?

steve rogers: weird, honestly. never been on a roof this late at night

nat romi: we all know that's a lie, steve. you're too much of a hopeless romantic to not have brought someone onto a roof to watch the stars

stark: you literally did that w me last weekend

j barnes: we could see u from the windows of the tower idiot

steve rogers: didn't ask to be called out like this wow

steve rogers: but on a serious note, it's fine. no suspicions have been raised yet. we're staying in the shadows.

stark: who do you have with you again?

steve rogers: that you know? rhodey and sam. there's a few others with me that you don't know, tho. members that aren't high enough to attend the meetings and stuff

stark: what's your count?

steve rogers: seven total, including me. it's a good sized team.

stark: nat and barnes? who do you have?

nat romi: i have clint and three others.

j barnes: bruce and four.

stark: good. two minutes on the clock, then we enter. you'll hear the call.

stark: stay on the chat in case. update me when possible but don't make it a priority.

nat romi: will do.

j barnes: i think i might be sick

j barnes: we're really doing this

nat romi: just stay calm, okay? i'll be right over. we're taking this together.

steve rogers: we got this. you have nothing to worry about, barnes

stark: one minute. prepare your entrances.

stark: see you on the other side.

nat romi: i would just like to say this now– once we're out of this problem, i'm quitting.

stark: i don't blame you. we'll talk after, tho

stark: bring back the night.

fifteen minutes later.

stark: anyone have updates? how's it going on the inside?

steve rogers: this is sam, i took steve's phone. left mine at home. we're getting through fourth pretty easy right now, maximoffs are taking streeters down crazy fast. anyone who goes near them drops within a second. it's pretty terrifying.

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