when i'm on the road🎶 [pt. 4]

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[ this is a bit of a filler chapter! it's not told thru chats because it wouldn't really work so instead here's a little chapter :) also this may or may not be completely nathope fluff you've been warned ]

"Hey, uh, guys?" Hope asks, her voice quiet but her words a bit forced. "How much longer until we're there?"

"About three minutes, why? Everything good back there?" Clint's voice rings through the car as he turns down the music. Scott places a hand on Hope's back, noticing that she's begun to bend over.

"You alright?" He asks gently.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just feeling a little carsick, that's all," Hope answers before lurching forward a bit.

"Woah, woah! You sure you're alright?" Scott asks, his tone a bit more panicked. Peter turns around now, Scott's worry spreading to the teen.

Hope only nods, her head now between her knees and her hands bracing the back of her neck.

"Hey, Clint, if we could get there as fast as you could, that'd be nice. Hope might make a mess of the way back pretty quick," Sam says, his arm slung across the back of his seat and his head turned to Hope.

"Miss Dyne, should we pull over? Are you sure you're alright?" Peter's small voice normally wouldn't of dominated the car, but this time it does.

"I'm fine, j-just as long as we get there q-quick," Hope says, her words beginning to stutter as she speaks.

"We'll get you there quick, love. Don't worry," Nat says. The others aren't aware enough to notice, but Hope can hear the smile in Nat's voice as she says it.

The car ride continues on in quiet worry for a few minutes, Hope attempting to act as carsick as she can. It seems to be working; everyone's fallen for her act, but it's a good thing she decided to put her head between her knees as she can't help but keep a smile from growing on her face.

Finally, after a few minutes of Hope's heavy breathing and Peter and Scott's soft worrying comments, they pull into a parking lot. Sam jumps out of the car right as it stops, pulling his seat forward so Hope and Scott can get out. Nat also gets out quickly, cutting in front of Sam to help Hope get out.

If any of these idiots mess up my plan, Nat thinks, we might return with less people than we came with.

"Hey, Hope, how you feeling, love?" Nat asks gently, gently taking Hope from Scott's hands. I'll take her to the bathroom, she mouths to Scott, and he nods.

"Not great, if I'm being honest," Hope says, her words even more forced than they were before. I should get an Oscar for this performance, Hope thinks to herself, and she has to bite the smile wanting to show on her face.

"I'm taking you to the bathroom now, okay? Here's a towel, if you want to shield the sun," Nat says, handing Hope a towel as she guides her away from the car. Worried voices follow the two, but they both ignore them. Hope immediately places the towel over her face, shielding her face more from the rest of the group than from the sun.

The two walk in silence for a minute, not risking talking until they're at the bathroom. Once they enter, Hope whips the towel off her face and allows the smile to grow on her face.

"Oh my God," she says, grabbing Nat and pulling her into a hug. "Step one complete!"

Nat laughs against Hope's embrace, moving back to look at Hope's excited expression. "Not to rain on your parade, but I'm pretty sure step one was the easiest step," Nat says, still laughing.

"Are you doubting my flirting abilities, Romanoff?" Hope says accusingly.

"Of course not, love, but I'm just saying. We're dealing with the Winter Soldier himself. He might not be as easy as guys at bars that you flirt with to get free drinks."

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