42ND STREET. [pt. 5]

142 13 19

nat romi IS ONLINE

nat romi: i know it's a weird time but if anyone's up james is awake

stark, j rhodes, steve rogers, AND banner ARE ONLINE

stark: i'm on my way

steve rogers: me too i'll be there in fifteen

nat romi: you guys don't have to, it's okay i know it's really early

steve rogers: nat it's six, it's not that early plus i think i'm speaking for the both of us when i say that we couldn't sleep anyway

stark: it's not like we weren't going to go see our friend after he wakes up nattie

stark: pulling into the parking lot now i'll be up in a couple min

nat romi: ...how did you get here so fast

stark: shhh i'll be upstairs soon

nat romi: alright uh anyway

nat romi: i'm getting off my phone now. anyone who wants to see james can come, he won't mind. i'll see you two soon and anyone else who comes xo

nat romi IS OFFLINE

steve rogers: i'm about ten min out

stark: i'm heading up to the room now, i'll see you in a few

steve rogers: sounds good


j rhodes: hey please don't go off your phone yet

j rhodes: sorry just a sec barton and stark made this stuff so complicated



j rhodes ADDED steve rogers

j rhodes: did you get this?

steve rogers: yea, i got it. everything good?

j rhodes: yeah, i just feel like i shouldn't go to visit barnes yet. me and him aren't as close as he is with you and i feel like it's not really appropriate for me to visit him yet

j rhodes: but i was wondering if you'd keep me updated? just on like how he's doing and that stuff it doesn't have to be much

j rhodes: i'm just really worried about him and i wanna know how he's doing

steve rogers: yea of course, rhodes. i totally get it

j rhodes: thank you. it means a lot

steve rogers: don't worry about it. i know you'd do the same for me

steve rogers: i'll update you once i'm there, it'll be about ten min

j rhodes: sounds good. thanks again captain.

steve rogers: you know you don't have to use those formalities with me. you wouldn't use them with james or nat

j rhodes: i'd 100% use them with nat.. if i even look at her the wrong way she'll stab me and that's on me

steve rogers: okay that's true

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