when i'm on the road🎶 [pt. 5]

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unread messages:

nat: oh my god.


nat: let's go spend some $$$


sam wilson ADDED natasha romanoff AND hope van dyne

sam wilson NAMED THE CHATROOM: bucky's pain is our happiness

sam wilson: hope hurry up i wanna spend bucky's money on questionable stuff

natasha romanoff: sam shut up she's working



hope van dyne IS ONLINE

sam wilson: please. if it were me who were seducing bucky, we would've maxed his card out already

hope van dyne: that's because you seduce him on the daily, sam. we know ur secrets

sam wilson: ...how do you know about that we met like two days ago

hope van dyne: i'm a sneaky spy and also am very friendly and easy to talk to apparently

hope van dyne: your friends can't keep a secret to save their life

natasha romanoff: babe!! you're back!!

natasha romanoff: you did so good i'm so proud of you

hope van dyne: i love you xx 

hope van dyne: so you guys gonna come and help me spend bucky's money? i mean i don't need help, i'm doing pretty good on my own already but you know, if you WANT to...

sam wilson: don't you dare spend all his money i want my fair share i'm coming now

natasha romanoff: me too i'm coming

hope van dyne: good see u losers in a min

hope van dyne, natasha romanoff, AND sam wilson ARE OFFLINE


three hours later...


petty tiny man IS ONLINE

petty tiny man: uh guys

petty tiny man: you wont believe this

old, uncle winter wolf sir, uncle bird, old lame dad, spider ex-mommie, poppa shrinky dink, uncle rhodey<3, AND peter van dyne ARE ONLINE

uncle rhodey<3: do we.. want to know

petty tiny man: yes. yes you do.

old: im intrigue 

spider ex-mommie: tony spill what happened

petty tiny man: so as you all know i get the transaction receipts for everyone's stark cards because well

petty tiny man: they're called stark cards for a reason

petty tiny man: but it seems that someone on this trip has been having a LOT of fun...

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