twitter beef... flavored ramen

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[ i've been sick the past few days and i wanted to post something so here's bucky being sick with me ! also it's a full twitter chapter so it's probably trash but i wanted to try it out <3 ]


buckt barn

im sick and want to die send ramen

2:43 PM - SEPT 1, 2019

buckt barn @bucky.barnes

@bucky.barnes the beef flavored kind not that shrimp stuff ew

Sam Wilson @cap.america2019

@bucky.barnes Suck it up, man. It's a cold. I had the same thing last week

buckt barn ✔ @bucky.barnes

@cap.america2019 i'm literally dying. i'm a super soldier and im not supposed to get sick so im dying even web md agrees

nat romanova @spidernat

@bucky.barnes buck i thought you were caught up w the memes... web md is the equivalent of having peter as your doctor

Peter Parker @peteyparkour

@spidernat hey :( that's mean auntie nat im a great doctor

Peter Parker @peteyparkour

@bucky.barnes but yeah i think ur dying can i have your metal arm when u die?? -your fav nephew

buckt barn @bucky.barnes

@spidernat okay nat i see what you mean but still im. Dying

buckt barn @bucky.barnes

@peteyparkour and no you can't have my metal arm... that's going in the ground with me when i die in the next 14 hours

Sam Wilson @cap.america2019

@bucky.barnes how many times do I need to say it. You're. Fine.

buckt barn @bucky.barnes

@cap.america2019 you won't be saying that at my funeral next weekend

buckt barn ✔ @bucky.barnes

@cap.america2019 starts at 10 am!! be there or be square ;)

Sam Wilson @cap.america2019

@bucky.barnes i stg if you say another word I'm going to beat you up and take your lunch money

buckt barn @bucky.barnes

@cap.america2019 wow... beating up a dying man... that's low, even for you wilson

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