42ND STREET. [pt. 2]

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wanda maximoff IS ONLINE

j barnes, nat romi, stark, steve rogers, j rhodes, AND banner ARE ONLINE

wanda maximoff: stark, what's the update on timing?

stark: it's all sorted out. have you already met with my lowers?

nat romi: yep. james, steve, and i know what we're doing. we're just waiting for your info.

j barnes: it's your move, stark

stark: give me five minutes, and i'll be able to tell you all what's going on. i'm almost done with sorting the money part of it.

steve rogers: what do you mean, money part...?

stark: there's a reason we're raiding 42nd street. it's not to just get it off the map.

nat romi: we're in that deep, stark? we need to rob our rivals for whoever we got angry?

stark: that "whoever" is the most powerful drug dealer on the streets. you know this nat. we just gotta follow their orders.

nat romi: i know, tony, but it's still a lot

stark: trust me, i know. but the way i have it figured out should make it simple on us. in and out. i'll be back in a few to let you all know on timing and who's taking what.


j rhodes: i seriously can't believe what we're about to do. this is a suicide mission

banner: if we didn't do it we'd die anyway, at least this way we have a shot at living

nat romi: exactly. and you out of anyone should know how much stress tony's under setting this up, rhodes. this is the last thing he wants to do

j rhodes: just because he's my best friend doesn't mean that i support what he's chosen for us to do here

nat romi: i know. i'm just saying that maybe you should take it easy on him. he's under a lot right now

steve rogers: don't forget to say that to urself too, romi. i know ur already driving urself crazy getting ur section perfect. don't worry yourself dead over it

nat romi: the fact that i'm texting you right now should be enough proof that i'm not driving myself crazy. i'm only moderately crazy.

nat romi: no more than usual

j barnes: she's got a fair point

nat romi: thanks james <3

banner: ew get that cute stuff out of here

j barnes: it's okay brucie you're still my boyfriend

banner: there's no way i can compete with nat.. that's like entering me into a beauty contest with all those victoria secret models

j barnes: i'd vote for u xo

j rhodes: me too but i don't know if you care about that

j rhodes: i'd just want to see you in one of those red bikinis

banner: stop fantasizing about me in a sexy bikini rhodes

j rhodes: what, maybe i got a thing for guys in red suits you gotta problem with that??

banner: no ;) ilu jamie

j rhodes: i love u too

j barnes: love you too brucie

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