when i'm on the road🎶 [pt. 2]

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new cool dad IS ONLINE

spider mommie, uncle winter wolf sir, uncle bird, old, uncle rhodey<3, AND uncle shrinky dink ARE ONLINE

new cool dad: wow i feel so loved thanks guys

new cool dad: also good news tony didn't murder me so i am still alive

uncle rhodey<3: yes that would make sense

new cool dad: well you never know someone else could've murdered me in the time i was away

spider mommie: always true someone could always murder you

spider mommie: that's why i always wear black. i'm always ready for someone's funeral. remember that

uncle shrinky dink: okkay

uncle winter wolf sir: yes ma'am

peter romanoff-barton IS ONLINE

peter romanoff-barton: hi everyone! :')

aunt buggie boo IS ONLINE

aunt buggie boo: hi peter!! i can't wait to meet you i get to ride in your car today :)

peter romanoff-barton: i can't wait to meet you too miss wasp i'm a big fan

spider mommie: i'm 98% sure hope came onto this chat just because peter came onto the chat

uncle shrinky dink: i can confirm

aunt buggie boo: you keep your mouth shut scottany i can beat you up

aunt buggie boo: or worse: ground you from the road trip

uncle shrinky dink: due to personal reasons completely unrelatedto the last text from hope i am going to go offline until the road ttrip see you all in a bit

uncle shrinky dink IS OFFLINE

aunt buggie boo: coward

new cool dad: hope ur so cool u know that right

new cool dad: like. really cool nat told me about you and ur REALLY cool

spider mommie: we get it my girlfriend is really cool you can stop talking now clint

aunt buggie boo: aw thanks nat's boyfriend ur pretty cool too<3

new cool dad: nat look she called me cool the wasp called me cool

spider mommie: you're lit rally a superhero too but okay u little fanboy go have fun

uncle bird: if i may

spider mommie: of course sam please add something

uncle bird: in the words of steve rogers, about a minute ago: "i wish the wasp called me cool, she's so cool why did she call clint cool clint's not even that cool : '("

old: this is harassment 

spider mommie: i can see him making the face too it's the same face he makes when he doesn't like his food


aunt buggie boo: cap omg ur cool too dude ur literally,, CAPTAIN AMERICA,, i didn't think i'd have to tell u that ur cool i thought that was something that u knew already

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