when i'm on the road🎶 [pt. 3]

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aunt buggie boo IS ONLINE

petty tiny man, new cool dad, peter romanoff-barton, uncle bird, uncle winter wolf sir, AND uncle rhodey<3 ARE ONLINE

aunt buggie boo: aight a little weird how everyone goes on this once i'm on but i'm gonna act like it just out of love

petty tiny man: no need to act it is completely out of love we adore you

aunt buggie boo: aww thanks tones ilu xo

uncle winter wolf sir: tony just physically malfunctioned after reading that,, little thing started shaking and crying and making a high pitched noise i don't know how to handle this where's stephen when we need him

uncle rhodey<3: let him do his thing he'll live

uncle rhodey<3: and if he doesn't he died because of the wasp and he's perfectly fine with that

petty tiny man: y es i'm

aunt buggie boo: okay anyway uh i just came on here to tell you all that clint and the fam just picked up me and scott and we're now on our way to the ocean to meet up with you guys!

aunt buggie boo: me n scott are in the way back and its. SO fun i feel like a four year old scott keeps kicking sam's seat and me and peter are just like hanging out and peter and scott keep making "vine" references, scott says that cassie taught him them and apparently peter knows them too so yeah that's the update from the fun-car how's your car tony

petty tiny man: i'm going to act like you didn't just disrespect my car but it is great thank you for asking

uncle rhodey<3: don't be fooled. you guys definitely have the fun-car

uncle winter wolf sir: i'd be mad but he's right steve won't turn off his old music because he's old and it feels like we're sitting at a breakfast diner waiting to be served except we aren't even getting food and it's just. silent

peter romanoff-barton: how their car doesn't talk? WACK. the fact that their car only has four people so no one gets to sit in the way back? WACK. the way they only listen to old music? WACK.

aunt buggie boo: the way how not even bucky and rhodey like their car and normally they'd make up something to make it sound better? WACK.

peter romanoff-barton: MISS DYNE I'M SO PROUD YOU KNOW ONE

aunt buggie boo: scott tried to crash course me in vines before you guys picked us up and that was one of the only ones that stuck

aunt buggie boo: wait clint i see you're on the chat but you're,, driving

uncle bird: clinton francis barton get off ur phone before i beat u from the backseat

new cool dad: lit rally i wasn't even doing anything and i'm getting attacked we–

peter romanoff-barton: dad pls get off the chat i don't want you to be distracted ily from your son peter

new cool dad: aanythign for you son ily

new cool dad IS OFFLINE

uncle winter wolf sir: wow that was,, strangely effective? peter next time i need clint to do something i'm gonna come to you okay

peter romanoff-barton: of course anything for you mr white wolf winter soldier sir

uncle rhodey<3: you forgot james

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