google classroom

200 19 6

[ long time no see dang. how y'all doin? i miss it here. here's a little something i whipped up. love u all <3 ]


peter parker ADDED ned leeds, michelle jones, AND shuri udaku

peter parker NAMED THE CHATROOM: please help i'm begging you

peter parker: hello

peter parker: i think the name of this gc speaks for itself

peter parker: please

ned leeds: what do you need help with this time idiot

peter parker: history

peter parker: i'm literally on the verge of tears

shuri udaku: ha

michelle jones: ha

peter parker: guys i'm serious pl ease

michelle jones: also why tf is my name like this

michelle jones: change it now

peter parker: yes okay sorry

ned leeds: i-

ned leeds: alright simp

shuri udaku: how do i like a text message

peter parker: both of you stfu and help me

peter parker CHANGED michelle jones TO mj

mj: much better

mj: also im not helping im going thru a blackbear phase again and digital druglord just came on

peter parker: no olease wait mj

mj: you know not to interrupt me when i'm listening to blackbear

peter parker: i know but PLEASE i need help

mj: try again in 32 min and 16 sec


peter parker: are u serious

ned leeds: hahahahahaha

shuri udaku: imagine adding ur crush to a gc just for her to not help

ned leeds: couldn't be us

shuri udaku: couldn't be us

peter parker: if you two don't stop the peter slander u will regret it

shuri udaku: says the one who is literally on his knees begging us to do his history work

ned leeds: what are you gonna do? block us and have another breakdown about the war of 1812?

peter parker: THAT WAS ONE TIME

peter parker: im literally about to lose it

shuri udaku: dude literally you have captain america and bucky on speed dial. just call one of them they have to know something

peter parker: idiot don't you think i've tried that

peter parker: tony isn't letting me use the artifacts for my history homework anymore

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