42ND STREET. [pt. 1]

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[ i started watching a new show and it gave me major inspo for this ! this series won't be too long but i'm pretty excited for it, i haven't seen it be done before so i have a lot of ideas ! welcome to my next chat series: if the avengers were a gang caught up in some messy business. ]


stark ADDED steve rogers, nat romi, clint barton, banner, j barnes, sam wilson, j rhodes, wanda maximoff, AND pietro maximoff

stark NAMED THE CHATROOM: night bringers

stark: everyone listen up. i've got a lot to tell and not a lot of time

nat romi: i thought we weren't supposed to text? it was like the third rule you established, what changed?

stark: barton and i hacked our way into getting us a new system. a private one, so we can text and call without worrying now

j barnes: sick. so what were u saying stark?

stark: id call a meeting for this but we don't have the time for it. we're working on a TIGHT schedule for our next assignment. i recruited two new members last night for it, they're in the chat. everyone, half meet wanda and pietro maximoff. you might've heard of them before

banner: the ghost twins?? the one's that did the run on that kingpin stash building a couple weeks ago??

pietro maximoff: that's us. stark needed us for the next run you guys are doing and honestly, we wanted to stop working as a two person team. it was a double win

nat romi: well, welcome to the team ig

nat romi: but next time you add more people maybe talk to us first stark?? you have three lowers for a reason, this was kinda abrupt

j barnes: yeah.. kinda feel like nat steve and i should've been at least told

stark: i told you, we're running on a super tight schedule for our next run and we didn't have the time to pull together a meeting about it. plus i didn't think you all would be too against having the ghost twins on our team

j rhodes: it's definitely not a bad addition

steve rogers: i guess it's ight but nat and barnes have a point

sam wilson: we could've done worse

wanda maximoff: really feel the love, everyone. but whatever, i'm not here to become best friends with you all so say whatever you want, i dont care im just here for the cash

nat romi: alright maybe i don't mind her

stark: anyway, that's one piece of business. the next is our next assignment. everyone on and ready?

j barnes: only person i haven't seen on so far is clint

clint barton: i'm here, just not big on talking on group chats

j rhodes: well that's gonna have to change man.. and uh you were the one who made this chat system available for us to use in the first place?

clint barton: just cuz i made it doesn't mean i wanna use it

stark: all right if everyone's here i'm going to explain the VERY IMPORTANT ASSIGNMENT DETAILS

j barnes: yEs siR!

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