42ND STREET. [pt. 4]

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stark: heading up the stairs now. hold fire

nat romi: thank you

steve rogers: i'm calling you, tony. i need to know what's going on

stark: you need to focus on your task. get the money and get out of here

steve rogers: you're not keeping me in the dark about this, tony. pick up.


incoming call from steve rogers

call declined!



steve rogers ADDED stark

steve rogers: tony, come on.

steve rogers: he's my friend too. i deserve to know what's going on

stark: you don't want to, rogers

stark: he's not holding up well. just focus on your job, the faster you get the money and get out of here the faster we can get barnes to a hospital

steve rogers: pick up the phone, tony.

steve rogers: i'm either calling you or coming down. i know you don't want me to come down.


incoming call from steve rogers

TONY: you shouldn't be calling me, steve.

STEVE: i deserve to know what's going on with james. how's he doing?

TONY: i'm trying to help stop the bleeding now. it's... it's not looking it's best.

STEVE: is nat still there?

TONY: yeah. you wanna talk to her?

STEVE: no, i'm sure she's stressed. i don't need to add to it. how's she doing though?

TONY: she hasn't stopped pacing since i've seen her. she just starting crying. everything feels off– nat normally doesn't act like this, you know? it's all so weird, like it's some sort of nightmare. 

STEVE: god, it must be really bad if nat's crying. [PAUSE.] can i talk to bucky?

TONY: no. he's not talking.

STEVE: c'mon, tony. lemme talk to him.

TONY: no, steve, you don't get it. he can't. he can barely breathe. he closed his eyes a couple minutes ago, and that's when nat started crying. he's got at least two wounds in his chest and stomach, three in his left arm. his arm... [WHISPERING.] there's no saving that, steve.

STEVE: [SIGHS.] i knew we shouldn't of done this, tony. 

TONY: but we're here. we have to finish this out or this is all for nothing. we need the money and to get barnes to a hospital. [DISTANT FEMALE SPEAKING,  QUIET SPEAKING OFF PHONE.] yeah, he's right here, hold on. [INTO PHONE.] hey, nat wants to talk to you. you good with that?

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