netflix party

259 20 10


bucky barnes ADDED natasha romanoff, sam wilson, valkyrie, loki laufeyson, AND shuri

bucky barnes NAMED THE CHATROOM: open my link losers

bucky barnes: the name of this chat speaks for itself i believe

natasha romanoff: what link are we opening

bucky barnes: i cannot believe i have to explain this AGAIN–

bucky barnes: netflix party. we are watching love is blind. i am invested in who barnett will choose and i WILL NOT wait any longer to watch it you all need to get on right now

loki laufeyson: i second this message. i'm already on, you guys better hurry up or we'll start without you

shuri: can we do this another time? it's 3 in the morning where i am right now

bucky barnes: no

loki laufeyson: toughen up or miss love is blind

valkyrie: hey y'all i'm logging in now but we have an issue

valkyrie: lil spider wants in

sam wilson: NO.

sam wilson: my ONE condition of being a part of this stupid group and getting way too emotionally invested in strangers love lives was that he would not be here

natasha romanoff: well i think pete would be a great addition

bucky barnes: nattie don't you dare take his side

valkyrie: just because of how against it bucky and sam are i all of a sudden am on board with adding peter

shuri: i'm biased because petey is one of my best friends but i'm just gonna back out of the convo and head to bed

shuri: nat can you update me when you guys are done watching so i know where to catch up to?

natasha romanoff: ofc bby go get some rest we love you

bucky barnes: no we don't loser

shuri: don't make me come over and steal your arm back colonizer

bucky barnes: strong words from someone who can't stay up past her bedtime to watch love is blind

shuri: believe it or not some of us actually have jobs to do james

shuri: and on that note i am voting for peter to be added to the chat :))

bucky barnes: you know what udaku-


bucky barnes: she's going to be the death of me one of these days i swear

sam wilson: not gonna lie sometimes i forget that you two are close bc of your cryo work and i get REALLY confused as to why this 100 year old man is arguing with a teenager

natasha romanoff: same but anyway. with shuri's vote, it's 3 to 2 for peter joining. loki either ties the vote or pushes it over the edge for the correct side to win

valkyrie: pick your poison, snake boy

loki laufeyson: that was literally centuries ago but okay horse girl

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