the second blip

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[ so this was me trying to be funny about the sony vs disney thing going on at the moment and i ended up scrapping the idea, but i thought i'd post it just so you all could see my attempt at a twitter feed ! i'll try to write more social media chapters soon too since i've only done group chat ones so far, but for now here's this <3 ]



Quick question: why is everyone acting like they don't know who I am? Even @ironman is in on it, I don't like it

Tony "Ironman" Stark @ironman

@spidermanofficial Sorry, who are you?

Spider-Man @spidermanofficial

@ironman This is what I'm talking about.., anyone else know what's going on??

Peter Parker @peterbparker

@spidermanofficial Same here. Very confused. @nedleeds64 @mjnotmichelle either of you know what's going on?

Ned Leeds @nedleeds64

@peterbparker Do I know you?

distress artist @mjnotmichelle

@peterbparker yea don't tag me dude idk who u are

Peter Parker @peterbparker

@nedleeds64 @mjnotmichelle guys this isnt funny anymore

Spider-Man @spidermanofficial

@peterbparker is this the blip pt. 2



peter parker ADDED may parker

peter parker NAMED THE CHATROOM: the second blip??

peter parker: may even ned and mj are saying it and now im getting worried

peter parker: what if they actually don't know us and they don't know spiderman either and someone would've commented on twitter by now there's no way the ENTIRE internet was in on this joke

may parker: peter calm down okay? im sure everything's okay

may parker: i'll call happy now and try to figure this out, okay?

peter parker: okay

may parker IS OFFLINE

may parker IS ONLINE

may parker: peter i don't know how to say this gently but im worried now

may parker: happy didn't know me. he tried to transfer me to someone else, then got upset over how i had his number, and threatened to call the police if i called again

peter parker: please tell me this is a jjoke

peter parker: may please

may parker: babes i wish it was

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