captain america perks

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[ i'm sorry about my lack of updates ! i have a small series in mind for this book, i just haven't had enough time to sit down and write it but i decided to write a little sambucky fluff at work today since it has been almost TWO MONTHS since i last posted. sorry again ! :( ] 


bucky barnes ADDED sam wilson

bucky barnes NAMED THE CHATROOM: mission 34

bucky barnes: mornin wilson

sam wilson: dang, another mission already?? 

sam wilson: steve failed to tell me how much work this job would be i don't get paid nearly enough for this

bucky barnes: you get paid??

sam wilson: i've said too much

sam wilson: anyway!! back to topic at hand!! what is the mission good sir

bucky barnes: what did you just call me

sam wilson: huh

bucky barnes: do not call me good. i am not good. i am bad. fear me

sam wilson: yeah okay sunshine

sam wilson: so u gonna tell me about this mission or what

bucky barnes: ugh i guess

bucky barnes: i got a call from fury and he said to grab your snow stuff and that we're meeting in the garage in fifteen, make sure to bring gloves and a hat and all that good stuff

sam wilson: aren't you the winter guy

sam wilson: i shouldn't have to put up with this crap

bucky barnes: quit your complaining and get a move on or i'm taking your shield and playing frisbee with peter again

sam wilson: you wouldn't dare

bucky barnes: fifteen minutes. garage. we have to take separate cars so if i'm not there when you get there just follow the directions on the gps, they're both linked to the same destination

sam wilson: and to think I'M the captain

bucky barnes: maybe if you stopped complaining about EVERYTHING fury would talk to you more :)))

sam wilson: as if you're any better

bucky barnes: ten minutes now. i'm about to head out. hurry up slow poke

sam wilson: i'm not the 100 year old man in this chat

bucky barnes IS OFFLINE

sam wilson: wow okay guess someone didn't pass the vibe check this morning

sam wilson IS OFFLINE

ten minutes later...

sam wilson IS ONLINE

sam wilson: alright i'm following the gps

bucky barnes IS ONLINE

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