Prologue {3}

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The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the trees seemed greener the one morning in early August. I was sitting in the back seat of my car, listening to the radio as I headed to school. The first day, to be precise.  Just thinking about starting a new gives me chills but new friends, new places, a new life doesn't seem that bad. I mean letting go was the hardest part but there wasn't much to let go but more to look forward to.

A lot has happened in just the time we've moved here. I have two twin siblings, my dad is building a restaurant and my mom is basically trying to stop racism in our small little town.

"I hope everything goes fine with the twins" my dad whispers. "Dad, everything will be fine. As soon as mom enrolls them into my school, they will be let in, simple", I say. "that's not the thing I was worried about. What if they don't get excepted here. we didn't expect that old hag to be a racist for we can be too precautious", He said with a sigh. All of the talk of racism is actually popular in this town, which is one of its only downfalls, that's why my mom is important. Get that change going. I give him a reassuring pat on his shoulder as we continued our journey.

We where half a mile away from my new school and I was internally screaming. This is it. This is how the ten minute drive would end and my father and I would depart for the time being. We pulled up to the front of the school and he let out a deep breath. "You ready Mike?" My father said with a warm smile. I nodded and opened the car door but before I could completely get out strong pair of arms pulled me in for a hug. "Before you go, be good, I know you are in the seventh grade, I was thirteen too. I know the hormones can get to ya b-" bur before my dad could finish I hugged him back quickly before escaping his grasp. "I know dad, be smart, make good choices, and all that  but, I don't want to be late for my first day!" I say before running off. "Love you!" I whispered before going into my new school.

. . . . . . . . .

I walk into my first class after having a discussion with the wonderful lady in the front desk. Everyone had there eyes on me. I quickly avert my gaze and walk up to the teacher. "I am new", I say, just above a whisper. "Oh that's right! Class, this is your new classmate! Please introduce yourself", The teacher announced. I gulped and said with a shaky voice, "My name is Michael Scott." I say with a small wave. "Okay Michael, you will be seated right next to Jamie Wilson. Jamie raise your hand!" The teacher, who's name I still have yet to discover, pipes. A small boy slowly raises his hand.

He looks shy and nerdy. He was the cutest boy I have ever seen! His big blue eyes are so bright and beautiful. His small nose was barely big enough to hold up his large dorky glasses. His curly hair rested so beautifully on his forehead. I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I just stood there, staring at the adorable boy.

I gulped before walking towards him. His presence was so calming and his eyes where so soothing. What are these feelings? I've never felt this way about anyone, not even a girl.

I sat down and took out my pencil and before I could get to listen to the class, someone poking my shoulder startled me. I look back to see a nice smile on a nice face. "Hi, I'm Connor, you seem like a guy I can be friends with. I'll tech you everything you gotta know about this school! So, want to be friends?" He said kindly as he held his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I simply nodded and shook his hand firmly.

"Talk to you in the hall, okay?" He said and I just replied with a yea, sure.


I really couldn't pay attention in that class. From Jamie to Connor's dumb yet funny comments to the teacher, my mind was everywhere else but the work.

"Hey Michael, can I call you Mike? Imma call you Mike. Welcome to our dumb school. Since we have the same homeroom and first academic, we have the same schedule, we travel by homeroom here so you are stuck with me. Get it?" He said and I nodded. "I don't have any other friends except you so I am willing to turn in my best friend/wing man/best dude you'll ever meet resume and see if I can apply", he said and stared at me. "If you are asking me to be my best friend then sure, we can hang out after school, you can show me around the town if you want", I proposed. "That sounds awesome!" He yelled in the middle of the hall. "Mr. Adams, you wouldn't want to be written up on you first day back, would you?" A strange woman said, she seemed like an assistant principal of a sort. "No ma'am", he said in a quiet and obedient tone. "We'll get to class then", she said sternly and walked off.

I let out a loud laugh as we walk to class. "What was that!" I said, still laughing. "Oh, shit it! She's been in my ass since I first started coming here in the sixth grade", he said and chuckled along with me.

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