Lilac |Jamie's Pov|

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{youthful innocence and confidence.}

I sat there, criss-cross apple sauce, on the floor as my sister did...whatever she was doing to my curly locks...

"So, any ideas about making Mike fall even more in love?" Ella asked, as she tied another lock of my hair. "Not really. You know I'm not the best with people", I replied. "Have you ever thought of giving him a gift? Like not just a materialistic one but, one that comes from the heart. Like a song! That reminds me! Did you hear what happened this morning! "she exclaimed. "" I said, puzzled. "Well, people say that Mike writes love poems in this journal! Charlette McAllen actually read one out loud!" She claimed. "R-really? When did it happen?" I asked, curiously. "They say like first period, I'm not so sure".

"What was the poem about?" I ask. "Ugh, this one girl, Lucy I think, said that it was about running away with the person he loved because they wouldn't be accepted here. Now that I think about it, It could be about his love for you! Think about it! He wants to run away because our school is full of homophobic jerks and since he is part of the popular people, he would lose all of his friends or the people he believed where his friends!" She mused. "Your absolutely nuts, you know that, right?" I told her with a giggle. "Shut up and let me do your hair", she said as she braided a couple of pieces.

"Isn't Ellie in his first period? I wonder why she didn't tell me about it" I ask. "I think she was too busy flattering herself, you know, with the whole one sided crush" she said. We both let out a chuckle before quieting down, it is like 2 am.

"I wonder what I should wear tomorrow. I want to impress Mike but, I don't want to look like I'm trying", I confess. "Why not? You know if you show off your amazing-ness he will think he is special! Besides, you have way more body than that flat assed Ellie", she said. I giggled at that. "I'm being serious! You should totally wear some of your feminine clothes! You would be the shining star of the supper late time of seven o'clock" she said with her natural sass.

I may seem like a normal nerd at school but that could be anything from the truth. I am openly gay at home but supper closeted at school. I also love to dress more feminine but sadly, the dumb people at my school aren't so accepting.

No one has seen me in feminine clothes but my close friends and family. I'm too scared to go out in public with them on because of my fear of being judged or humiliated. One day I hope I will be able to go out with the most feminine of clothing without being scared.

"I don't know", I said, voice wavering. "Why not! You will look great and you will totally one up that bitch that is trying to steal your mans!" She claimed. "The last time I wore something feminine in front of someone other then my family I got called a, and I quote, 'fat pig'." I said. "That person was Ellie and she was jealous of how thick you are! And you know you look smoking in that skirt!" She told me.

A small smiled seeped into my face. I did look smoking hot in that skirt. And I am going to one up Bella with my hotness (is that a word?).

"Fine. Now tell me how I'm gonna style this skirt"

A/N: thanks so much for reading this chapter! Two updates back to back, who is she?



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