Prologue {1}

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The sudden wave of melancholy hits hard as I look at her ghostly pale face as she lays on the hospital bed, handing me a bouquet of lavenders and whispering, "They are me favorite. They mean love at first sight. Never forget that, Mike. keep it close and deer to your heart. I may not be here for much longer but my love will always linger here", she points at my heart, "and my memory will always be here", she lifts her limp finger to my head, "and this is what I felt when I saw you, and don't you dare forget that", she says softly as tears slowly stream down her face. She wipes my tears and shakily points at the lavender. She takes a deep breath as her arm goes limp and the heart rate monitor lets out a final long beep.

b e e p . . .

fresh hot tears stream down my face as nurses, doctors, my grandpa, and my parents rush into the room. I screamed in sorrow and agony with sobs roaring out of my mouth as they dragged me out of the room. Never to see her again.


The house was quiet and had this... I don't know, tense feeling in it. After she.... went way, my father devoted most of his time in his work. Granted, it had only been two days since she .p-passed. It still hurts to say that. It felt like it all happened too fast. One second we where having a decent yet, depressing conversation and the next thing I know, she's gone.

Its strange not seeing her or my grandpa coming into the house for dinner time. It's like in my mind I feel like she's just taking a vacation but I know that she is never coming back. Its a strange feeling of hope that I have that I know I shouldn't.

I sigh and turn to my nightstand and there it was. The lavender still sitting there in its bouquet reminding me of her. I feel a sting in my chest but no tears where in my eyes. I just kind of felt numb and emotionless but I knew the pain was there. It was the strangest feeling I've ever felt. One moment I think I'm feeing something it goes away and gets replaced by the numbness. The only things I can feel is the pain and that slight feeling of false hope.

I tried to shake off that feeling as I stared at the dull purple coloring of the flower. I let out a sigh and turn back, and stare at the ceiling in my room. That strange feeling I didn't like came back as I got lost in my own thoughts again.

The knock of my bedroom took my attention away. "Hey Mike, I know you've been going through a lot but there is one more thing we need to talk about", my mom said. I sat up and stared at her with a confused glint in my eye. "What?" I say lowly. Before my mom and dad start talking, they walk up to my bed and sit by my side. "Well, we know that you've wanted to move so..", my dad said and my eyes went wide. "We're moving?" I said in a monotone voice. "Yes we are. We bought a property near the new house we can spend the rest of summer fixing it up and moving in! You know, finally making your dad's dreams come true" My mom said, trying to cheer me up. "That's great" I say and before anyone can say anything else, my dad runs up to my desk and grabs the plans I made for a new house and my dad's dream "teen hang out" he'd always wanted for him and his friends.

"We can even use these designs you made to give us some inspiration" he said as he stared at the two pieces of paper. I just nodded and tried to get away from them. I don't mind moving, its just... hard I guess. With grandma gone the world seemed less exciting. I would have been completely ecstatic if this was any other time. But right now, I'm just trying to feel better and I don't think walking away from my life now is the best Idea.

"We knew you where still going to be down about grandma but, sometimes you have to keep moving foreword. I know its hard, Mike. We are all struggling with it but everything gets better. We just need some time and what better things to do to heal? We are all going to be together and we can all help support each other", My dad said as he pulled me in for a hug. "We are all stronger together, Mike. We all need each other right now", My mom said as she stood up and joined my father and I in a tight embrace.

Maybe they are right. With the move my grief might subside and I'll feel better but for now I'll just see what my future holds

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