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My eyes darted around the street as I walked home from the bus stop. Everything felt unsafe and I always feel someone watching me. The fear of someone killing me or anyone I love is so tremendous that I don't think I'll be able to function properly. This new found separation anxiety is not getting any better.

I walk into my house to see my family and Jamie's parents sitting in the living room with melancholy faces. Just the aura of the families frightened me. "Jamie's waiting for you in your room. He needs you right now, Mike", my mom says with a sad smile. "The Willson's, your father and I have a lot to talk about", she whispers out.

All I could do was nod and head for my room to see a sobbing Jaime. I close the door and run over to his quaking body and pull him into a tight embrace. "What's wrong my prince! Why are our parents outside?", I ask him quietly, whispering small enlightening words in his ear too. "T-they left a message at my house, they wrote 'we are coming' with a date too. T-they...t-they wrote it in blood, right on my wall. I found it when I got home just a few minutes before you did. Our parents found out about the gang and they are trying to find out something to do. Your sister and brother are trying their hardest to make sure that we will still be together, at all costs." He stayed and wiped alway his tears.

"What was the date they said they where coming?" I ask after a while. "02. 02. 20", he said, fear wavering his voice. "I love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you. We will go through this together. No matter what our parents say. They can never separate me from you", I say, caressing his cheek. He smiles sweetly as he places his small hand on mine.

"I love you too", he says.


Jamie and I cuddled for a while on my bed before my mom walked into my room. "Mike, I know you love him but are you willing to risk your life for such young love", she asks. "Yes mom. I finally have something that I never want to let go of and I know he loves me back. If I don't protect him with my all, they are going to take him away from me and that is something I never want to happen", I whisper and squeeze him tighter. "Well then, we have a plan but, you too need to get out of bed to hear it.

We all sit in the living room and Jamie and I listen to the somewhat meticulous plan. "First off, you two aren't safe here. And neither are you guys Chantell and Shawn. You all know Mr. McAllen, he owns a pretty large property with a high tech security system that no extremist group can get into without any high tech help. He has offered to lend us the place until we are truly safe, all we need is a simple yes", she states.

I look at Jamie and give him a look, he nods and grabs my hand. "I don't care where I am, as long As the people I love are safe. And one last thing, where's Ella?" He asks. "She is doing something that we will get to later, no need to worry, she's safe", his mom interjected. We both nods and she proceeded.

"So, we obviously can't just hide away from them, so, we are building a team to help us get through this whole thing. Mike do you remember your uncle Josh?" I nods and she begins again. "He has some connections with people who can give us some tools so you can protect yourselves. We will give them to you when we get to the house but right now all you need to know is that you have to be wise. Don't just go shooting around, you need to have self control. Your uncle Josh will also be with you for extra protection".

"And lastly, since you will be there for a while, Mr. McAllen has hired some homeschooling teachers for you guys, one of many of our priorities is to keep you guys going, this may be a setback but your young minds still need exercise one in a while", she smiled before proceeding, "I know this is a lot but you have to trust me on this, this is a plan to keep you safe and secure." She finished.

"That is a great plan but you still haven't given me input on my sister" Jamie interjects. "Oh right, sorry honey! Your sister is giving us some eyes and ears at your school. They may not be the most trusted but, they are close to Mr. McAllen and have his trust", Jamie's mom explained. "So who are these eyes and ears?" I quickly asked. "Brad Lopez and Charolette McAllen. I did say, they may not be the most trusted to you but they are to Mr. McAllen." I nod quickly and squeeze Jamie's hand.

"So what now?", I ask my parents. "Go pack your things, we'll be headed for the Willson's to get Jamie's things then to the safe house", my dad says softly.

I pull Jamie to my room. Once we go in to my room I quickly pull out a suitcase and a bag and begin to shove clothes, some shoes, and other miscellaneous items. I go into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush and more miscellaneous things. I plop my self in my bed and Jamie's giggles at how frantic I was getting my things together. He sits himself down right next to me and brings my head to his lap, he begins to brush his fingers through my hair, and caress my cheek. He sighs and leans in to peck my lips before putting our foreheads together and closing his eyes, I relaxed and closed my eyes shortly after.


We make it to Jamie's house and he quickly drags me to his room. He closes his door and pulls out a berry large book bag. He grabs some cute shirts and throws them in his bag. He then proceeded to put in some jeans and two cute skirts. I smile at him as he puts the skirts in his bag. We might be in danger but we can still enjoy the little things. He finishes packing up his clothes and shoes and zipped up his book bag. "I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom and get the rest of my things", he said as he walked out the room. I smile at him as he walked into the bathroom. I look at his closet and see the dress he wore when we had our first date. A smile appears on my lips as I stare at the burgundy dress. I walk up to his closet and unhang it. The soft material safe as I grab it. I turn around and open up his book bag and place the dress neatly in his things.

He returns shortly with some hygiene products in his hands. He quickly finished packing up before his eyes widen out of nowhere. "What's wrong?" I ask softly. "C-can you close your eyes for just a second?" He asked.

"I forgot to pack something and I don't want to see them"
"But I still don-",
"Just do it!"

I close my eyes but I can't help but peek. I slowly open my eyes and a bright blush appeared on my face. Jamie was holding a pair of white panties. I take a sharp intake of breath and apparently loud enough for Jamie to hear me. He quickly shoved them in his bag and glared at me with a bright blush on his cheeks too. "I told you not to look!" He yelled. " I'm sorry! I couldn't help but peek! I'm sorry! It's okay! I'm not going to judge you!" I explained. "That isn't why I didn't want to to see them", he said before turning around to grad one of my hoodies I gave to him. "Why then?" I asked him. "I...l wanted I-it to be a surprise. Our One month anniversary is soon...", she said as he fiddled with his book bag.

If it was even possible, I started blushing harder and I walked over to him. "I-it's okay. I like them, and I most definitely can't wait to see them on you." I whispered in his ear as I captured him in an embrace. I could feel the heat from his cheeks as he hugged me back.

The loud honk of a car horn startled us and the loud yell of my dad calling is to the car made us huddle back.


We drive for a good 45 minutes before going through some fancy gates, allowing us the see a very large house, a mansion. The gates slammed shut and we where taken to a very large garage, where we parked the car and got out. "Mom, you said this was a house! This is a fucking mansion!", Shawn yells. My dad smacked him square in the head and scolded him for cursing. A smile appeared on my face as my siblings kept at there troublesome behavior.

Things might have changed but at least some things are still the same.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you like it! I know I have been really crappy with the updates but I have been focused on some other things!

I just want to put it out there, yes, there will be some smut in this book but I will warn you before it comes!


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