Something Special

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Yesterday started off as a great day, with glee and contentment in the air instead of fear and paranoia. I wish you could say the same for today. Jamie and I barely got any sleep last night. We wounded up sleeping in a different bedroom because it was much to dangerous to sleep in a place that someone could break into. We also couldn't keep our eyes shut for more than five minutes before jolting awake from any little sound. The fear in the house consumed us. I could barely be happy even with Jamie by my side. All that was there was fear.

Mr. McAllen sent some people to watch the outside of the house in case of intruders. For the most part the house was dead silent. Not a single peep came out of anyone's mouths after what happened.

Jamie and I stayed put on the couch. No one has eaten because of the fear of suddenly being attacked. We already told them that they weren't coming for weeks but something in my gut told me not to trust those numbers. They could come at any moment. And we have to be ready. I gently kissed Jamie's cheek before heading to a room Mr. McAllen told me about. The shooting range.

I opened the door quietly before seeking in to see and arsenal of weapons, most of which I didn't know the names of. I picked up a a pistol looking one after putting in the gear that was instructed to wear.

I raised the weapon before aiming at the target. I know that if you want them dead, you gotta aim for the head. I aim at the head and pull the trigger. It was a little off but It was still in the range of the head. I imagined the bastard that was leading this gang. If I am not the one to kill them, no one is.

They killed my grandma. They threatened the love of my life. They threatened my family, the people I adore. This bitch is going to pay.

I lifted up the gun again, aimed for the head, and shot a clean shot. A perfect shot in the head.

I walk out the room to see a frantic looking Jamie running around the living room, tears streaming out of his eyes. "Babe! What's wrong!? What happened?!" I yell, running towards him. He stopped running and looked directly at me with fear and anger in his eyes. With a blink of an eye, he slapped me so hard it echoed through the whole living room. "For fucks sakes! Where the hell where you! I've been looking everywhere for your fucking ass! I tried calling you but your fucking phone was in our room! I thought they took you!" He sobbed. I haven't known Jamie for that long but I know for a fact the he would never curse that much unless he was pissed, like really fucking pissed.

I quickly pull him into a tight hug and mutter a bunch of 'I'm sorry's and kiss his face. "Don't do that ever again, especially now", he said, before he smacked the back of my neck. "But, you are going to sleep by yourself tonight. See how that feels, and I won't tell you where I'm gonna be", he said before walking up the stairs. I love it when he is sassy. It's hot but I don't have time to be horny. We have our lives at stake here.

I walk up the stairs and go into our room to see Jamie laying there with his hands on his face. I walk up to the bed and lay on his stomach. I snuggle up to him and look at his distressed state. "Your head is heavy", he croaked with his hands still covering his face. "Come on babe, let me see that pretty face", I say grabbing his wrists. He tugs then out of my grasp

And flips himself over so I can't see his face. I let out a chuckle before flipping him over like he weighed ten pounds. "Did you forget I had these?" I said, flexing my arm muscles. "What? I don't see anything there", he says as he giggled. I let out a humorless laugh and begin to attack him with kisses. "I'm sorry for not telling you where I went. You where right, I shouldn't do that especially now", I say as I lay on top of him. "It's okay, now I can cuddle with you tonight instead of sleeping with Ella, I was not looking foreword to that", he said giggling. "I thought you said you weren't going to come sleep with me and you weren't going to tell me where you where?" I say, smirking. "That was before you apologized and—" before he could finish a loud cry came from outside.

I bolt up from the bed to see both of the guards outside lay unconscious. I grab Jamie's hand and run out the door. "SOMEONE IS ATTACKING THE OUTSIDE! SHAWN GET UNCLE JOSH, HURRY!" I yell and run to the shooting range and grabbed a pistol. Jamie looks at me with fear and worry in his eyes. "Get the rest of them, take them here, you'll be safe. Uncle Josh and I—" I say but he starts to talk, "No. I are going to get some sort of weapon! I am fighting too! We said it, we are doing this together, we are going through all of this together",  and he grabbed a pistol. "Come on now", he says, walking out the room.

We both run upstairs and hear a crashing sound coming from our room. I slowly grab the door nob and slowly open the door to se an unknown person looking through the room. I push the door all the way open and launch myself towards them. Before I could grab hold of them, they swiftly run towards Jaime and put a blade to his neck.

"Your fast, but not fat enough! You know, you remind me a lot of that old hag. Well you are her grandson! HAH!" They say with a raspy voice, their piercing green eyes boating into my sole. I pick up my gun but Jamie's loud shriek stoped me. "Even try to shoot me pretty boy and I'll cut him up like I did to your old granny", they said in a menacing tone. My eyes started to tear up as I realized our situation.

Someone is going to die here. Either me or my Jamie. I look at Jamie and I see fearful but confident eyes. He had a plan. I give him a look and he looks at my gun then to the floor. Drop it.

I let a few more tears fall and a sob here and there before dropping the gun and raising my hands. "Leave him be, kill me instead. I am the descendent of you know who, not him. You should be trying to kill me", I say and step a little closer to them. With one swift movement, they let go of Jamie and stab my arm. I let out a loud groan and look at Jamie but I couldn't see him.

Before I could even call out to him, he jumped on their back, legs wrapping around their torso, with a gun pointed to their head. "Oh look what you did to my Love, you know you are going to have to pay for that right?" He said in a menacing tone. They started to squirm around so that Jamie could get off of their back but, Jamie just ended up holding them tighter to the point where their arms couldn't even move. He looked at me like a sign to close my eyes before he pulled the trigger.

They both fell to the floor with a loud thud. I run up to Jamie and pull him from under the intruder. "I love you so fucking much! You don't even know how scared I was!" I said as I held him tightly, lifting him up from the ground. "I love you too. But before we do anything else, let's go patch you up", he said as he pulled out the small blade from my arm and I let out a quiet wince. He kissed me shoulder and grabbed me hand to head downstairs.

Everyone was standing still, holding a gun, looking around in case something happened a. "You can stand down, we got the person who broke in. We already took care of it", I say as Jamie drags me to the kitchen.

"Ooh, what happened to your arm?" I hear Brad say. "I was used as a distraction in our plan and they stabbed me before I could do anything." I say as Jamie grabs the first aid kit. He cleans the cut and bandages it up, he told me I might need stitches so we called Mr. McAllen so he could get us a doctor or something.

Jamie and I laid in bed cuddling. I ran my fingers through his soft curls and I kissed his head. Who knew I would be laying here right now in this certain situation? Not me of course. I sigh and look into Jamie's eyes.

They are so saturated and blue it made my heart melt. These eyes tell me what to do, they give me hope, they make me happy.

They are something special.

A/N: thank you so much for reading! I really hope you enjoy this chapter! How do you guys feel about the drama in this one? Do you think it was a good Idea to make Jamie the one who did the dirty work in this one?


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