Remembering Her

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It has been over three weeks since Jamie and I have started dating and we made it official about six days ago. My mom and dad are proud of me for finally asking him out but, they got too exited and wanted to invite him to our thanksgiving dinner with his family. I kinda freaked out because we barely started dating and we are already meeting each others parents and that isn't even the most surreal part! We have to share a bed because him and his family are staying the night! For Christ's sake, that is going to be too much to handle!

my dad is probably going to give him and me "The Talk" before we walk into my room! Shit my room! he is going to make fun of me for how non-masculine it is! I mean, he is kinds feminine but it doesn't mean that he wants his boyfriend to be!

I have lavenders painted all over my ivory colored room. Yeah there are some masculine objects here and there but it looked like a closeted dyke's room! Not to be mean to lesbians because they are awesome in many ways but still!

I look around my room and sigh as I reside in my head.

I close my eyes and imagine my grandma sitting on her chair and knitting a long-ass scarf for me. her eyes that gleam of concentration and happiness.

The sudden wave of sadness hits me as I remember her ghostly pale face as she lays on the hospital bed. Giving me that bouquet of lavenders and whispering to me words that will reside with me forever. "They are me favorite. They mean love at first sight. Never forget that, Mike. keep it close and deer to your heart. I may not be here for much longer but my love will always linger here", she points at my heart, "and my memory will always be here", she lifts her limp finger to my head, "and this is what I felt when I saw you, and don't you dare forget that", she says softly as tears slowly stream down her face. She wipes my tears and shakily points at the lavender. She takes a deep breath as her arm goes limp and the heart rate monitor lets out a final long beep.

fresh tears stream down my face as I some back to reality. I wipe my tears and pull out my phone and call Jamie.

"hey cutie".

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter and this story is going to take a turn. I am sorry for the short chapters but it is the easiest way to keep updating!


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