Purple Violets

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{Thoughts were occupied with love.}

"Plan daffodil's is a go"

"What?", I say, dumfounded. "So first, you need to have an actually decent conversation with him", My sister says, ignoring my moment of confusion. "Like, don't just go up to him and stutter like a fangirl meeting Justin Bieber for the first time. Say something that will start a conversation." She says. "Are you telling him how to get Jamie or telling him the top ten most impossible things", My brother interjects. " I roll my eyes at his comment and my sister carries on, but my mind was elsewhere. "-ie, got that?" my sister said and I just stared at her. "You weren't listening, where you", she says as she rubs the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. I give her an awkward grin with a shrug. She shakes her head and looks down at her food.

We just sit there and chat until the cafeteria door suddenly opens. Jamie.

I clear my throat for no exact reason and just admire his beauty. "Look he is drooling this time", I hear Connor comment. "I heard that", I say without removing my gaze. I suddenly feel a hand press on my back, "This is your time, he's alone", My sister says. She gave ne a not-so-friendly push towards his direction. I slightly lost balance and tried my best to keep my composure as I walked like a three year old trying to tippy-toe. "The fuck are you doing, Scott?" I hear someone say, making me abruptly stop. Brad Lopez, your local douchbag. "Ugh, leg fell asleep, Lopez", I say, leaning on something. "You sure? Cuz you seem really comfortable leaning on Wilson there", he says with a douchy smirk. I leap off him quickly and give him a quiet sorry. He gratefully replied with a, "Oh, it's fine".

We where just there, staring into each other's eyes. His eyes where just so pretty. They looked like he was wearing contacts or something, so bright and saturated. our moment of silence was ruined by someone yelling, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" I turn around to see a duplicate of Jamie, but she was a girl. "What the fuck Ella!", I herd Jamie say, bright crimson pigmentation crossed his face, ear to ear. "What? It isn't like you guys where flirtatiously gazing into each other's eyes", she says with a smirk. "Yawl Homos?" I hear a deep voice say, shit, he is still here. "HEY! NO GAY SLURS ALOWED IN THIS AREA, ALRIGHT BUDDY", The girl said, in a not-so menacing tone. "Who are you to tell me what to do? You probably need help tying your shoes, little girl" Brad said mockingly. "OH NO, YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT", She said pouncing at him.

Before she could deal any damage, like she could deal any to a football player, Jamie interjected. "Hey! No fighting! Remember what happened last time", He says, clutching her waist. "LET GO! THIS FUCKER GOT TO PAY!", She screeched. I quickly helped Jamie by grabbing her waist and flinging her over my shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN YOU PIG! THIS ISN'T THE LAST YOU'LL BE SEEING OF ME BUDDY", She yells as I walk her out the cafeteria. I look around to see everyone's eyes on us. Jamie gave me a look a sympathy as we reach the door. Just as I walk out she yells, "I COULD HAVE DEFENDED MY SELF AND YOU TWO", She yells. "Trying to beat the shit out of someone isn't considered defending, Els." Jamie says sternly. "You are no fun. I should get going, Brendon told me he was going to help me with some work in the courtyard", She says. "But lunch is about to be over and neither of you have free periods", he mused. "Catch me BITCH!" She says as she runs off.

"Siblings", He says simply. "I know right", I say with a light chuckle. He flashes a smile at me, dimples and all. He has a beautiful smile. "U-ugh, T-thanks I guess", He says, cheeks flushed red. FUCK I SAID THAT OUT LOUD! We stand there in awkward silence till a certain someone decides to speak up. "You think I should text him? Cuz I am not going to waste my time eavesdropping if he doesn't make a move". Connor.

I turn around to find Connor, Chantell and Shawn crouched by the second entrance into the cafeteria, getting some weird stares from people exiting. I gave them a stern look and I knew they took it as fuck off because the moment they realized I'd been glaring at them they scattered. Including some oh fuck's and shitshitshit's. "So I'm guessing that Ellie and Ella are doing the same thing, am I right?" He says, peering the way Chantell ran off to. And just as he suspected, two figures with hoodies and sunglasses looking our direction. "Yep", I say simply. "Why do I have such retarted friends?" He says, shaking his head.

We both let out a chuckle before our gazes meeting once again. After a while of comfortable silence, he speaks up. "I should get to my locker, the bell should be ringing soon", He says with a smile. "O-okay", I say, looking at the floor. I could feel his presence start to leave before a burst of courage hit me. Fuck it.

"W-would you like to hang out sometime?"

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