Chapter 20

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The fire elemental had struck, Caroline snuck out to find Peter, worried knowing he was probably working with Fury and Beck, MJ and Harry followed her and Betty convinced Ned to go with her to the Ferris wheel. Peter tried to save his friends while Mysterio stopped the fire elemental.

Fury, not impressed with how Peter was doing, walked up to him. 

"So I give you the glasses with the A.I Stark left for you and the first thing you do is almost blow up your friend. You got gifts, Parker. But you didn't want to be here. I'd love to have you in Berlin too. We have to stay vigilant with other threats like these. But you've got to decide whether you're going to step up or not. Stark chose you. He made you an Avenger. I need that. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong. Was he?"

Fury walked away and Caroline walked up to Peter.

"Thank god you're okay." She said hugging him.

"Yeah. I'm good. Are you okay?"

"Of course Pete. You had me worried. Why didn't you just tell me you were doing this? I could've helped."

"I know. But I also know you want to just relax this trip."

"And so do you."

Mysterio walked up to the two teens.

"You did good out there. Come on, let's get a drink."

"But I'm not twenty one."

"Just go Pete. I'm going back to the hotel room. These shoes are killing me."


As Caroline walked back to the hotel, she noticed a webbed up piece of technology and grabbed it to examine it later.

As Peter and Quentin were talking, Peter brought up something on his mind.

"Fury was right. Tony did a lot for me, so I owe it to him, to everybody."

"Do you?"

"Yeah. I mean, Mr. Stark gave me a chance to be more. He wanted me to be better than him. And Fury just wants me to live up to that."

"What do you want, Peter?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you want?"

"I don't know."

"What do you want? You, Peter Parker, now. I know you're thinking about it."

"I want to go on my trip. I want to go back on my trip, with my friends. And go to the top of the Eiffel tower, with the girl who I really like, and tell her how I feel, and give her a kiss."

"Were you really planning on doing that?" Quentin asked laughing.

"Yeah, well not anymore. I have too much responsibility."

Quentin noticed Peter dropped some glasses and picked them up and asked about them.

"Mr. Stark left them for me. Here, try them on."

Quentin put them on and Peter looked at him. He looked just like Tony.

"What do you think, kid?"

"For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. For the next Tony Stark, I trust you." Peter mumbles.


"Mr. Stark left me a message with those glasses. "For the next Tony Stark, I trust you.""

"I'm still not following. How many lemonades have you had?"

"He knew every mistake I ever made, okay? So he must have known that I was not ready for something like this."

"Why would he give it to you?"

"Because maybe he didn't trust me to have EDITH, he just trusted me to pick who should. It makes so much more sense. He always knew I would do what's right, and he's not going to give them to Fury, because Fury would just give himself EDITH."

"Well, you're probably right about that."

"Right. So, the world needs the next Iron Man, and it's not going to be me. I mean I'm a sixteen year-old kid from Queens. It needs to be an adult, with some experience, and that's good like Tony Stark, like you."

"No, Peter. Come on. No."


"Hello, Peter."

"Hi. Yeah, um, I'd like to transfer your control over to Quentin Beck."

"Peter, what are you doing?"

"Doing the right thing."

"Any transfer will require confirmation."

"Stark gave you the glasses."

"Stark gave me a choice. It's my choice to make, okay? And I'm going to make it. Look, you're a soldier, a leader, you stopped the Elementals. You saved my life, you saved the world. Okay? He'd want you to have them."

"Waiting for confirmation."


"Please hand the glasses to Mr. Beck."

"Welcome to the Avengers."

"They look good on you."

"Thank you. It's an honor."

"Yeah. Mr. Stark would've really liked you."

Peter got up and left and once he was gone, the bar simulation turned off and Quentin stood up with a smile.

"That was too easy."

You and Me (Sequel to Back to You)Where stories live. Discover now