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Beca's POV
"Beca Take a look!!! Robi Mitchell! Punched Brad Simpson of the Vamps after Having a Dirty Words to Lauren Jauregui and the Girls..."- Perrie said and I frowned and shake my head"My Celeb Crushhhhh Protected Fifth Harmony"- Leigh Ann Squealed "Do you know her Beca?"- Jade said while her eyes are sparkling I nodded

"Woooooooo!!!!Reallyyy??????????"- the four asked. I just wondering why they did not realized that we are sisters"Don't you have any rehearsal?"- i asked"No we dont have any rehearsal this day it means! We are going to Your photoshoot!"- They said then gave high five with each other

"Oh Man!!!!! You dont mean that do you?'- i asked? Seriously"We are serious. "- they said in unison."Why?????"- I whined"Because everybody told us that Beca Effin Mitchell is a great great model!?Yey! So maybe we can adopt one of your pose! "- Perrie said happily

"Fine Fine!..Comeon Lets Go!"- i said and they cheered.

"Ok Go Beca!!!!You are so memorabol!!!!!"- Perrie Cheered

"Look at here Beca!!! We made a Personalized Banner for you!!'- I frowned and I shake my head in what Leigh Anne said.And take a pose again"Beca You are so hot! Hotter than Perrieee!!"- Jade yelled that made me chuckle. And take another pose again. Gosh its kinda Hot in here. We are taking an outdoor photoshoot."Beca Oh My God! Be mine!"- Jesy Yelled and i shake my head and look at my left side to take another pose.

"Two more shots Little Dude"- Elvin said and i nodded."And End!"- He yelled with Joy we truce and hugged"Hey Elvin Can you take a photoshoot of the five of us please?"- i asked"Ohhhh Little Mix with You sure why not. You talk to them lets take a break for a while."- He said and i nodded

"Hey Girls We still have a last photoshoot and I want you to join me"- The four girls Squealed especially Leigh-Anne"Oh my Gosh!!!!! Its or time to shine!!'- She squealed and i chuckled" Go! Get some outfits and do some make ups. We'll go after 1 hour."- i said and they nodded.

We just got home and I headed to my Room so Quick.I sat to my swivel chair and faced the City Lights.

I heard the door being opened .The girls entered and Im still not facing them.

"That was Fun!!!Whooo!!!"- Jade and Perrie said "I agree! And the Photographer is so handsome!"- Jesy said"Jesyyyyy Elvin is a Gay"- Leigh Anne said and i just i chuckled"So Beca? You know? When will you are going Back to USA?"- Perrie asked.

I did not answer."Beca its been 2 years and still hiding."- A thick British Accent said and i turn my swivel Chair to face her"Jesy i dont know my life here in UK is Peaceful"- I lied but the truth is im running to all memories that we made in the Past"But atleast Contact your family then. They are worried"- Jade said "I dont know. They are living peacefully why should i gonna make it miserable again'- I said"Hey Becs dont say that we know that they are trying to find you"- Perrie said"I miss them"- i said sadly"then you need to comeback there you cant just hide and run on what you have left in there "- Leigh-Anne said"Just give me a time. I still need it"-  I said and they left to my room because they have a Rehearsal.

Its been 2 years. Its been 2 years since i left without a trace.

"Ok if you need it then go. You know we will always support you right?'- Jesy said and gave me a kiss on cheeks."Jade and I will prepare the dinner ."- Leigh Anne said and i nodded"Thank you girls. For everything"- i said and they smiled"You are always welcome Becs always remember that'- They said and we gave each other a group hug.

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