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Beca's POV
When My sister woke up from coma 2 weeks after we started to shoot for our upcoming movie Pitch Perfect. It was base on a true story but we fixed some things we add and remove some.

And We are at the  scene where I first Met Chloe and Aubrey.

"Yayyyy!! I am so Excitedddd!!"- Emily squealed

"Ok Fellas! Lets start to shoot!"- The director said

Aubrey and Chloe stood up to the mini booth of Barden Bellas holding a flyers. Aubrey scoffed at the treble makers.

And They keep on giving flyers.

Aubrey:Keep on Flyering. We have tradition to Uphold

Chloe: How about we just get a good singers?

Fat Amy walks up and Took a flyer from Chloe

Chloe: Hi can you sing? Can you read Music? Can you match Pitch?

F.A:Yep Yep Yep.

Chloe Sing Three notes and Amy matches them perfectly.

F.A: you want me to do it with A?

Chloe: Your Name?

F.A: Fat Amy

Aubrey: You call yourself fat Amy?

F.A: Yep so you twig bitches dont do it behind my back..

Aubrey: See you at the Auditions.. fat Amy

Fat Amy walked out

Aubrey: That was Oddly Satisfying

* ******

"And Cut!!! Nice one guys!"- Director said "Beale Posen Mitchell B and Hobart! Prepare for 3 minutes.

I looked at Chloe and I smiled at her. She just nodded

Beca stood up at the DJ booth and Read on what have been written on the CardBoard.

She reacted Bummed. And Fat amy walks up as a Jewish student signs and mumbled excitedly

DJ Students: Shalom

F.A: Thats not a real word . Keep trying you'll get it

Beca laughed at Fat Amy

Beca:Not a lot of Jewish where people you're from huh?

She continued exploring until she passed by to the Bellas Booth and Chloe Saw her.

Chloe: Hey what about her? She could be cute.

She stared at Beca.

Aubrey: Are you blind?  that girl's a freak. She is not a bella.

Chloe ignored and get the attention of Beca. And she succeeded Beca removed her Headphones.

Chloe: Hey! Any interest auditioning to our Acapella Group?

Beca: A capella? Oh!right this is the thing now

Chloe: Totes! We sing cover of song but do it without any instrument. It all comes from out mouth

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