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Beca's POV
This it the last day of Bellas here in UK. So im spending my time with my Chloe.

"I will miss you"- i mumbled as i bury my face to her neck.

"I will miss you too... You'll going back to LA right?"- she asked "I will go back to LA with LM and the girls babe.Next week i guess"- i said and i can feel that she nodded

"Well! Well!Since the Girls went out with my Bae! I will be a Super thirdwheel here!'- Robi Groaned "Netflix or Nah?"- She asked"Dont answer focus there lets watch Coming Soon"- She said then set up the movie.

Yeah she loves horror movies so as a cute Human beings we'll just agree since! She is a Third Wheel.

"You know what! I really still want to stay with you here but we need to fix some things in LA. And soon we will start to shoot soon! Im so excited!'- She squealed

I smiled as i remember the scene on the shower. It will happen again in a  movie but without a Thomas in there and he will be replace.

"Yeah are you excited to recreate the scene on the shower room?'- i asked then wiggled my eyebrows

Robi gave me a weird look "Ready to recreat the Recollection ?"- Robi asked and We gave her  a glare

"Where you made us struggle! Made us sleep in a small tent!"- Chloe said and Robi Laugh"Where Posen and I made you have some goodtime in the back of the tent but yeah! Interrupted by ouch!!!Ouch! Dont fucking hit me!'- she groaned

"You deserve this Asshole!!For making us Struggle and For Interrupting ou!!!"- I suddenly stop before i say something

"Oh Gosh! I need my Lolo!'- she groaned"Your Lolo will be not here until----I heard my name!!!"- Lauren yelled "Yay! Lolo is Here!!"- Robi squealed and she stuck her tongue to me.

"Awww Roren! Is real!!"- Dinah said

"Guys! Someone is here she said You knew her? thats why we brought her"- Leigh-Anne said

We frowned as we recall who is she

"Hi! Beca Do you miss me Babe? Oh  is that Hoe Beale?"- I clench my Jaw as i recall who is she. Chylee Rollands.

"Look who is talking?Oh Hi Chuckie!!"- Robi Greeted her and Chylee Pouted"you are so hard to me Sister in Law"- she whined

Chloe Rolled her eyes. And the Girls Are confused"First of All Girls! Meet Chuckie Doll! Its Beca's Ugly Doll Ex! And Hey Chuckie Meet the girls!"- Chylee Pouted once again"You look like a Duck! So Cute!"- Camila said Innocently with Sarcasm"Thank you"- She said happily

"Excuse me Why are you here?"-  i asked seriously "Babe i miss you! I really do. Does Chloe Know about us?"- I gave her a what the fuck! Glare"Man!! Did you just have an instant Girlfriend? did she escaped on the mental hospital?"- Normani asked "Bless your Soul! For being Desperate"- Ally said having a sign of the Cross

"Aha! Excuse me? I did not came from Mental and I am not desperate!"- she blurted and looked at me and smiled

"You just came in Pacific Ocean Yeah! We know that"- Lauren said "Or you came from Pluto?'- Camila Added

"You are all weirds! Babe! You should stay away from these Aliens"- She said and i gave her a glare.."We are such a Beautiful! Aliens ..  I want you to know that you look like a Catfish"-  Normani said

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