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Beca's Pov
Im with my dearest sister. I have an interview and i force her to be with me. Well I told to my management that i will reveal that Robi and I are sisters. And i am so excited with it.

"So Hi! I am  Greg and i am with the most requested guests. Beca and Robi Mitchell!"- and Every one gave us a warming welcome.

"Beca I supposed to be in fucking Vacation."- she whispers"Just one request Robs. Dont worry we can chill soon"- I said then kissed her cheeks and she sighed

"Hello wazzup! Im Robi!"- she said and the crowd started to Shout her name"And I am Beca!"- The crowd did the same. And we sat

"So it was nice seeing you too in here and its a pleasure to interview the most Influential Artist and Youtuber."- he said with a cute smile "Its our pleasure to be interviewed by you!"- Robi said and gave him a high five

"So lets start the interview. Shall we?"- he asked "We shall"- We both replied

"So Beca and Robi you too have a picture taken by a fan Having a piggy back ride in a park. And has a caption that Oh My? Robi and Beca are Dating? they are cute Omg heart heart emoji"- Greg said and Robi and i laughed"So Beca and Robi are you two dating?"- He asked ."Its funny to know that our fans thought that we are dating but im sorry to say We are not dating."- The crowd say  "Aww" "So what are you?"- Greg asked "Mate we are sisters as i could remember"- Robi said while shaking her head

Greg was so shocked on revelations "No way! Seriously? "- He asked with eyes widened "Yes we are sisters. Look we have many similarities "- i answered and The put some Pic of my sister and I "Well except for the height "- Robi said i gave a glare and the crowd laughed.

"So Beca. You live with the Little Mix if i am not mistaken How was it?"- Greg asked"Well Our bond is Crazy. The girls are caring and Kind. And probably they act like a kindergarten kid"- i said "But they are not hard to deal with. I love you girls!"- I said and blew a kiss to the Camera

"Thats sweet. And Robi You've been Viral for Punching The Vamps Bradley Simpson and Giving a harsh comments for the 5H x's what can you say about this."- Robi laughed

"Man Breadpan! Deserves it tho she commented some dirty words to the girls especially to Green eyes the girls deserve a respect tho. And So what if i threw some harsh Comments to their X's psssh.My words are true. right?"- The crows said yes

"So Beca. Rumors been out About You and Chloe being shipped. And there are some Pictures of you taken  a years a go but appeared freshly in the News. I did not know you were in the same Acapella group then before you started your Career"- i frowned my gosh.

"Oohhh!! Im the Captain! To their Shipped. Lets keep the ship float Aliens. Team Bechloe!"- Robi said and i pulled her to calm her down.

"Oh!Im the co Captain !"- Greg squealed and they truce "So have you guys dated when you were in college?"- Greg asked me

"Greg yes! And you know what they are so cute. Oops!"- Robi giggled and i groaned "My sister talks alot oh my gosh"- I said then she pouted "thats what you get forcing me"- she said and i rolled my eyes

"But guys Lets support the Bechloe ok? They are really cute. Brunette and Ginger Chemistry is heart!Lets Bring Bechloe Back!Bishes.. "- Robi said and I gasp

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