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I arrived late and Chylee smacked my head and of course scolded me. We are waiting for someone because Flo invited her cause she's alone.

"Ooh Beca!!! Chylee I invited Chloe because she's Alone"- Flo said and i looked if shes true. My heart beats so fast again it was electrified by her. She made me alive again .I smiled and as a gentlewoman i assisted her to her sit"You may sit now"- i said and  she said thank you

Chylee Wiggled her Eyebrows when i looked at her and Flo gave me a thumbs up.

"So Hi to you Chloe Its been a long time How are you?"- Chylee asked her and while we are waiting for the food

"Im doing great. How about you? "-  chloe asked "We are doing great to im happy and contented with her"-Chylee answered then I look at her shes looking down.

"How about you Beca How are you?"- She asked and looked at me "Im happy now "- i answered and looked at her sincerely

She smiled at me but i know its not her typical smile.

"Babe? Are you ok?"- I asked her with concern and she look at me "Im fine "- she said and Focus on the food.

"Ok lets eat and later We'll talk"- Flo announced.

This night is awkward oh my Gosh?

As i finished eating im staring at her she seem so serious at eating. I smiled and Held her hand. She freeze as i did that later on she pulled it that made me giggle.

"I miss you"- I whispered and She  stood up and look at me "Beca Stop flirting with me in front of your girlfriend. Stop Saying you miss me in front of your girlfriend because seriously its Disrespectful. Damn you Beca!"- I became Confused and I saw Flo and Chylee trying to stop their Laughter.

"Becs she thinks that Chylee was still your girlfriend."- Flo said then kissed Chylee

"Iwww? Seriously?"- I asked

"Dont iwww me Beca! Go and Chase your girl"- Chylee said "I'll pay for your food next time bye bitches"- i said and i run outside.

I saw her walking on the street.

Damn She is a long legged Lady thats why she walked that fast.

"Chloe Wait!!"- I yelled and she looked at me then Turned back "Stay away from me Beca Go back to Her!"- she yelled and she Ran Fast.

Good thing i can run that fast too  She continued running until she reached the Hotel. Gladly we are at the same hotel.

"Hi! May I know where is the hotel room of Chloe Beale?"- i asked to the Information "Excuse me? Are you related with her?"- he asked and i nodded "I am her Girlfriend"- i said "The last time i check she said that she was single and she was about to comeback to LA for her Love ones"- he said and i smiled "Its me. Im her love ones so please tell me"- I begged

"Im sorry Maam But--- Just please of you dont let me know where is her Hotel room Our Lovestory will be ended"- i said and he sighed "Dont tell her that i told Because you are my Idol i'll tell you. Her room was Room 307"- he said "Can we take a picture?"- he asked and i nodded..

"Btw Im Brynch!"- He shouted "Nice meeting you Brynch! and thank you"- i shouted back

I went to her room and  and cover the peep hole so that she cant see me.

I knocked three times and she opened it she's crying and it made my heart ache.

"Chloe babe lets talk"-  i said calmly and she slammed the door but my hand was there "Shit!"- i Groaned. "Oh my god are you ok?! Im sorry!"- she asked .

I smiled. She still cares for me.

"Stop smiling will you"- She scolded me. "When i finished Putting bandage to your hand you can go back to her"- she said coldly.

"why do i need to go back to her?"- i asked "Because she is your girl so shut up"- She is jealous

"Are you jealous that we are together?"- i asked "Hell no"- she said "You dont have be jealous Chloe Because shes not my girlfriend. Chylee was Flo's girlfriend they are dating for 2 months now"- i explained and she look at me. Then she cried.

"Damn you!"- she said "Damn you for making me jealous."- she said then Kissed me "Damn you for making me believe that you two are together?"- she kissed me again"Damn you for not Chasing me when i left"- then she sob.

" I miss you so much Beca!And it hurts me so much when i saw you with Chylee!"- she yelled at me "I thought that you will never be mine again!"- she said i smiled and pulled her in a Hug

"Babe hey, Calm down ok?  Im yours and i will always be yours. I waited for this "- I said and I kissed her passionately.

I felt her hands are exploring my body. Our tongue started battling with each other. I carried her to her bed and laid her.

"I love you Chloe and I will always love you"- i said and i kissed her passionately.Until my kisses dropped to her neck. And she seemed to be moaning. "Fuck baby! Dont stop"- she demanded.

I continued kissing her until my hands roamed her body. Her hands are wandering to my body too. I removed her Shirt Her Undies. My gosh i miss her this much.

"You are wet baby huh its that for me?"- i asked and she groaned "Only for you"- She said

I didn't even think twice and i massaged her clit "Fuck! baby! Shit! Lick me please!"- she moaned i licked her  "You really want me to taste you huh"- I said "Please Beca shut up and fuck me!"- she said. I inserted my two fingers to her pussy that made her moaned Loudly.

"Babe shit! Move! so fucking fast!"- she moaned and i work harder. My both tongue and Fingers are working..."ugh! baby! yes! thats my spot  yes! baby ugh! fuck! Im gonna Cum!"-  she said and i worked harder and Faster and she reached her climax. I licked her Juice and Kissed her passionately.

"I love you so much Chloe! Im tired of this game I want us back again"- I said..

"I love you too Beca no more chasing but if you think i will let you pass this night its a no. Its my turn baby"- she whispered that made me shivered.

I gulped as she Removed my clothes.

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