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Beca's POV
We are heading to the venue and im nervous.

"Someone is Nervous  because Chlo is there. Omg my Bechloe Heart!"- Robi teased me."prepare yourself girls. Media is in."- She added

"Im so excited to see my nerds"- i squealed"And Chloe"- Dinah added ang gave her my famous Death Glare.

"Im gonna see the Famous Barden Bellas who beat the Undefeated Das sound Machine"- Leigh Ann Squealled

"I feel my Aca-Heart!"- Perrie said

"Maam we are here now"- the driver said "This is it!"- I said and Went out.

"Oh! thanks! Alfredo"- We all said and he nodded as we went out a lot  of camera clicked.

"Little Mix and Beca Look at here!"- We stopped and make some poses "Fifth Harmony and Robi Join them please!"- The other said and they joined.

"More!!!"- Robi requested and gave them a funny pose.Little Mix Dinah and Camila did the same.

We go to the Red Carpet and Walked individually. I can say that our Reunion is a biggest event. The People our fans prepared for this moment.

Chelsea approach us"Hi There Mitchell Sisters, Little mix and Fifth Harmony so You are here in the biggest Reunion  ever? What can you say about the Reunion of Barden Bellas?"- she asked

"Hi to you! Chel! I just say this reunion is crazy! I mean the fans waited for this. We waited for this Barden Bellas Having a reunion! It was Dope and i can say that we are so lucky to be the date of this two members!"- Jesy said while smiling to me.

"This reunion is Sick! Chelsea! I mean imagine it was like you were attending a Grammy's but its just a reunion! So honored to be here"- Camila said then smiling

"So to you Beca Mitchell? What can you say about the Reunion"- She asked"I never expected this! I am nervous and excited this time! I miss the girls! I miss everything! I miss wearing this Scarf!i miss everything !"- i said and showed my scarf

"And You  Robi! Rumors are in the air i wont bring it but i know you know what i am talking? And what can you say about the Reunion."- Chelsea asked. Robi smiled" Rumors are rumors there is a possibility that rumors are true but whatever Happens no hates but More love. And I am so excited. As beca Said i miss everything too! I miss the girls too! Just be updated! Many surprises will come! We are going to perform! this is it! "- Robi said

"Thank you"- Chelsea said and we headed to the Venue.

As we entered"Ooh!!! The Very Famous and  Influencial Mitchells with the Gorgeous is here!!!"-  Flo yelled and everyone gave a stare to us then Run and I just realized that we are at the ground.

"Ugh!!! Fucking Hell!!! My Outfit!!! My Hair!!! Ugh!!"- Robi Groaned "Ooooh this is a moment of Barden bellas!!"- Normani Squealed

"Okkkk Okk Stand now Nerds! I know you miss us!!! "- i groaned.

They stood up and They fix their outfits.

"Ok!! Huddle Up bitches 1...2..3.. Who are we!?"- Aubrey Yelled

"Barden Bellllllaaaaaassss"- We Harmonized. "That was perfect!"- Perrie Complimented "Oh btw meet our date! LM and Fifth Harmony"- I introduced "And Meet Ally my girl"-  Robi introduced Ally. And they looked at each other. "Oohh! Hi to you Hernandez! Im Aubrey Aca-Posen"- Aubrey introduced herself giving a bitch Look.

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