CY5: Ready

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Chloe's POV
I am heading my way to my friends. They are waiting for me on the Airport. Well I move to New Zealand to be with Thomas.

"Ginger!! Here Here!"- Aubrey yelled and I saw the Bellas Except for The Mitchell sisters.

"Oh gosh i miss you Girls!!? How have you been?"- I asked and they just smile and gave me a suffocating Hug."Get off me now girls"- i whined

"We miss you Chloe!!! btw have you seen The Interview of Mitchell sisters? The Little Mitchell keeps on bringing on the topic to you and to her sister."- Amy said while rolling her eyes "And Man We need to Enter the Van and go to The Bella's House to bond!"- Cynthia said and we cheered

"So Where have you been after running away from your wedding?"- Emily asked"After that I immediately Packed my things and Fly to Australia i dont want to be with Thomas. I just run away just to save my Girl from him. She's a danger"- I answered and then the Van went on a pure silence.

"My life in there was so Hard but peaceful and I graduated with Degree. After that 2 months ago Robi surprised me with her visit. She said that she'd been investigating things cause she needs an answer why i did ran away. She also said that Beca has been missing in action"- i said

"Do you still Love her Chloe?"- Stacie Asked. I gave her a smile"I still love her. My love for her never Fades. Beca is still my everything."- i answered and they smiled

"If you still Love her! We know thats she still loves you. So lets plan for the Reunion of Barden Bellas! Beca's Current Location is still in UK so the Venue will be in Uk"- Aubrey said

"Are you ready for the Comeback of Bechloe?"- Amy asked

"Im always Ready!"- I said with a grin


Beca's POV
We are here to the House having some Party. Only us will be Partying. We did not Invite.

"Camila! What the hell !!!"- i saw Camila Drink the Glass full of Whiskey "Babanana bababanana "-  She sang while Dancing Crazily

Everybody here is drunk except for me coz im the oldest  and i need to take care of them.

"Hello Whats Up Little Beca!"- Leigh Anne Greeted me.

I just shake my head with disbelief Im going to take Care a 10 girls. A drunk 10 girls to be exact

"Girls we should end the Party now. You're all wasted and Drunk"- i said but they did not listened and begged for 30 more minutes.

I just sighed and Get my phones on the drawer.

I got a Missed call from Aubrey.

Im gonna call her Back.


Hello? Beca?is this you?

Hey brey!Its me Beca.

Oh i miss you and Robi! Where are you?

Im still here in UK and I missed you too and the nerds.

Well i just wanna inform you that we are having a Reunion and it will be held in UK. You can bring the girls.


No But Bitch! You will come wether you like it or not. And I just wanna see my Cutie ex.

I know you really wanna see my sister and Fine! We will come..

Good! so im gonna Hang up this now! Bye Love you

Love you more.

Call ended.....

"Hey Beca Who is that?"- Robi asked and i look at her"I am not Drunk Man! Dont you worry"- she said and sat beside me

"Your nose are reddish what happened do you have a problem?"- i asked Worriedly "How'd you know that i have a problem?"- she asked

"You know we are sisters i knew you from head to toe. I know when you are sad. I know when you have a problem and i know the way you get mad."- i said and she nodded.
"Its just Ally and Troy are still texting. And In their Text they are really sweet. Ally is being cold with me this fast few days and im just afraid that they are right. "- she said and shook her head "But i really trust her. I just cant imagine."- I tap her Head and kiss her cheek

"Whatever happens we are here ok? Btw Posen Called me. And She informed us that we should attend to our incoming Reunion."- I said and her eyes widened"Why did you not call me. I miss that Blonde!"- she said then Pouted "You were busy Dancing with the girls. Dont wanna interrupt "- i said and she rolled her eyes.

"Are you ready now Beca?"- she asked"Ready for what?"- Asked

"Men You will see Chloe in our reunion and i miss her and i miss your bond."- and i realized about it"Robi I am. I am ready in everything. I am ready for her explanations and I missed her so much. But its not that easy to Forgive her that fast because she ran away and hurt me that much."- i explained and she nodded

"But still  Bechloe will comeback right?"- She asked and i just Shrugged

All i know now is that im ready in everything. I know i came here in U.K to moveon but i just cant.

Hoping that when we  meet again everything will be fine.

Because i am ready to be with her again.

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