CY26:Damn you BECA!

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Beca's POV
Its been 4 months since she Left.
Im losing hope that she will comeback again.

In that 4 months i find myself. I've wrote a songs about her. I've got a multi Awards. Opportunities are coming.

Its been 4 months and im still waiting.

I went to Rome to take a break. And i smiled at the memory i remembered.

Flash back.....

"So Where do you want to go?"-  i asked her

"I want to go at Rome! They said that place is precious so I wanna go there and to the Trevis Fountain"- she said excitedly

"Ok Ok We'll go there soon? But for now we need to focus at the worlds acapellas Competition and beat Das sound machine ok? I love you we should finish our make ups"- i said and kissed her then i went to my hotel room and finished myself.


This day I planned to go to the Famous Trevis Fountain sadly not with her..

They are right this fountain was so precious. The water is Clean theres so many Tourist here.

I Get a coin to my pocket and Turned back. I smiled and made a wish as i toss it Backwards i felt a coin hit me on the shoulder.

I chuckled a bit maybe the owner of this coin sucks at tossing.

I was enjoying the view when my phone Vibrated.

Oooh! Chylee was calling.

Beca(Bold Italic)
Chylee (Italic)

Hello? Chy?

Beca!Where the hell are you?

Calm Down im just exploring Rome? Why are you Mad Btw Honey?

Shut Up! I want to Remind you that we are having a dinner tonight

Wont forget that.

Ok! I need to hang this Up and prepare. You should go back to your place and prepare jeez! i dont want you to be late

Ok fine Bitch I love you!

Stop calling me bitch Baby! Imma Beat your ass

Yeah yeah bye mwaaa

Ok bye I love you! Dont be late

she said then turned off the call.

I went back to my hotel room and prepared myself for our dinner.

We are having a dinner at exactly 9:30 so i can still chill and  relax for a while.

Im heading my way to the CiPASSO Vineria-Bistrot one of the best Restaurant in Rome.

Actually i went Alone here. Im having a Vacation before coming back to LA and Pursue her again.

An hours ago i went to the Trevis Fountain.

Guess what ? it may sound Childish but i came there just to make a wish.

I smiled goofily.

"Maam We're here already"- The driver said

"Thank you so much here keep the change"- i said then went out immediately

as i Entered the Restaurant i feel something strange. The feeling was like the feeling when we first Met.  Is she here?

I walk to my reservation table but unluckily the clumsy me bumped into the girl.

"Oh my gosh Im sorry!"- i immediately apologized then helped her

"No its ok? Chloe?"- I smiled as i saw who is it. Its Flo "What are you doing here?"- she asked

"Im here to Have a vacation before going back how bout you?"- i asked and she smiled with a meaning " We are having a dinner you alone? You can join if you want"- She offered "Sure sure why not? Wheres your table by the way im gonna go there after i go to the Comfort Room"- i said  and she Nodded

"Table 19 the Table near at the window. "- she said and pointed
"Thank you Flo I miss you already. I'll see you in 5 minutes"- I said and she gave me a thumbs up

As i turned and walk to Bathroom

"Beca What the fuck you are 3 minutes Late"- My heart Was electrified this cant be. "Im sorry Chy I just fell asleep"- I clenched my fist did she gave up?
Are they dating again?

What the fuck!

I fix myself and went to Flo's Table. And Unluckily i saw Beca and Chylee with Flo talking.

My Heart ached as i saw them Laughing like they were inlove.

"Ooh Beca!!! Chylee I invited Chloe because she's Alone"- Flo said and Beca Look at me Giving me a Wide smile and stood up to Fix the sit for me "You may sit now"- she said and I said thank you

"So Hi to you Chloe Its been a long time How are you?"- Chylee asked We are waiting for the food.

"Im doing great. How about you? "-  I asked "We are doing great to im happy and contented with her"-  She said i felt a fang of pain inside my heart.

Calm down Chloe dont cry infront of them.

"How about you Beca How are you?"- i asked and looked at her "Im happy now "- she said and i smiled bitterly and gulped.

"Babe? Are you ok?"- She asked me with concern and i look at her "Im fine "- i said and Focus on the food.

"Ok lets eat and later We'll talk"- Flo announced.

This is an  awkward situation because Im with Beca and With her Girl Chylee.

As i finished my food i remained silence. I felt someone Holding me and thats Beca. This is Wrong she should not holding my hand in front of her girlfriend.

I pulled my hand and she giggled.

"I miss you"- She whispered and thats it. I stood up "Beca Stop flirting with me in front of your girlfriend. Stop Saying you miss me in front of your girlfriend because seriously its Disrespectful. Damn you Beca!"- I yelled and i walked out.

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