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Beca's Pov
We went out with my sister Dinah , Jade , Normani , Lauren and Jesy.

"So Jesy where to buy outfit?'- I asked "I suggest! Rebellious Fashion!"- Jade said "Robibi!!!Give it back to me!!"- She whined as she try to reach the Chips

"Try to get it Jeed!"- Robi said while Running in the street.

"Hey!You two! Stop Being Childish. Follow Dinah Look she is Behave!"- Normani said while Pointing to Dinah.

"Mimi Boutique! Lets try in there"- Jesy suggested "We need a Ride so that we can properly Find a Boutiques."- She added

"Lauren!!! Tell her To give it to me! "- Jade said

"Mitchell Give the chips now!"- Lauren said Sternly  and my sister gave it Jade stuck her tongue Robi did the same."Whipped"- Jade mumbled and we just laugh

"Hey Dj? Are you ok? Hon?"- Robi asked with a british Accent "Im just thinking of something but i cant figure it out"- Dinah answered while shook her head"Something is happening to you and I'll Figure it out"- Robi said while Jump to her back"Di? Will you Carry me until we reach the Car?"- she said while Pouting "Ugh!Fine "- Dinah said then Run

"Swear! We are raising 8 year old Kid"- I said while watching them

We are following there as we go near them. I just saw Dinah having a Bitch Face and My sister having a sad smile.

"Guys! What happened to you?"- I asked "Oh i just saw a old Couple a really old couple. Taking care each other the man is pushing the woman's Wheel chair how sweet right?"- Robi said while wiping her tears.

"And I saw a girl cheating on her love ones and it makes me so Mad."- Dinah said while rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you say lets go! And pick some Outfits"-  I said and they entered

"So! May we know the Theme?"- Lauren asked "Its a Vintage Theme."- Robi asked

"And we chose you as our date! Yey"- i said happily

"Im glad that you chose Us. Its an honor to meet the Legendary Barden Bellas"- Lauren said then smiled

"Of course! You'll never regret being with us when you met my Nerds"- I said then smiled

"Dont wanna know if you looking into her eyes. If she's holding you so tight. the way i did before"-  Robi sang while focus on the Road"Robi Wrong song it would be. You say im crazy cause you dont think i know what you've done but when you call me baby i know im not the only one"- Dinah sang

Normani, Jade and I look at each other."What happened to you ?"- Normani asked Curiously"Nothing Happened i just love those song"- Robi Answered

"Robi just hella tell'em !"- Dinah hissed annoyingly "We just saw them together thats it Dinah. No big deal"- Robi Argued "No! They Kissed!. Stop Being stupid. You already you Ally is Cheating on you but you remained silence and Defended her as always"- Dinah said "Because I love Ally.  Im planning to Propose to her when the reunion Comes. "- Robi said Calmly

"It doesn't hurt  it doesn't hurt that is real. My fans are right. You think it doesn't hurt alot?. "- Robi said Coldly
"Guys lets change the Topic please. Im sorry on what i have Acted."- she said and smiled"Im sorry too Robibi"- Dinah said "Heys its fine dont mind it. I got a plan"- She said while smiling

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