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"Breaking news! after 10 years! the three biggest girl group will be having a Grand Reunion"-

"Fifth Harmony Little Mix and Barden  Bellas will be having a Grand Reunion. Fans waited for this!"-

"Take note it is the one of the biggest Event and #1 trending in twitter"

Years have past and i still cant believe that i have a family now. A beautiful wife and two handsome twins.

Years have past and i can say that im so complete and so happy and contented.

Years have past but still our love is getting more stronger.

While i am fixing my dress i saw someone who hugged me from the back and its her.

"You are so Gorgeous babe"- she mumbled and kissed my shoulder "So are you?"- i  said while looking at her in the mirror.

"Im the Happiest Woman in the earth Chloe because I have you and the twins I hope you are aware with that"- she said that made my heart melt

"And Im the Luckiest Woman Alive because i have you and the twins"- i said and she smiled widely.

I unwrapped her hug and I kiss her passionately "I love you Beca"- I mumbled

"I love you too Chloe always and forever"- she responded and kissed my cheek."Lets go the twins are waiting  for us Already"-  She said and Pulled me while we are heading our way downstairs i saw my handsome twins taking a selfie. Beca and i stopped.

"Hey Conor Do i look ok?"- Benjamin asked his twin "You look so handsome bro how about me?"- Conor asked back "Yes you look like me"- i laughed in their silliness

"Hi Twins"- I greeted

"Hiiii Mama and Mommy!!!!!! You two are gorgeous!"- they said in Unison

"And you two are handsome!"- i complimented her.

"Guys lets go? "- Beca said and The boys Held our hands and we went out the house.
"Ok so here are they Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale with they Twins Benjamin and Conor"- Interviewer

We walked in the Red Carpet like a models of course and took a phone with some of the fans.

Our reunion is not just a reunion.

We've stop where the Camera is Flashing..

"Mitchells! here 1..2..3.."- We did the post

"Hi Beca Chloe and Twins!"-  Chelsea greeted us

"Hi Chels! Nice seeing you again"- We both said except for the twins who remained silence.

"So what can you say about the Reunion I mean its been 10 years since You all saw each other. What can you say about that?"

"Im so excited that Beca The Twins and I are going to this reunion because you know its been 10 years since we got completed and there are so many surprises that is waiting for us in this reunion. I miss the girls so much and i cant wait to be with them after this"- I answered

"Everything has changed We got out own families and a big responsibilities and Im so happy that We are going to be with each other this night and  the next  days."- Beca answered

"How about you twins? What can you say about the reunion?"-

"Benj and I were excited about it because finally we are going to see Our Aunties complete along with their kids which are our friends. "- Conor answered and Benjamin just nodded and  smiled.

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