CY22: I Can ...

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Chloe's POV
2 weeks since we started shooting the girls from fifth Harmony are visiting us. Actually Im with them hanging out talking about life.

"So How are you and Beca? "- Dinah asked "OOOHHH BY THE WAY CHYLEE IS HERE  VISITING THE MICHELLES"- Camila Inform and i Clenched my jaw.

What if! She said she need space but the reason was chylee.

why im thinking that.

"You know what if your curious about that lets go there and Hear what they are talking about"- Ally said "huh?"- i asked

"Chlo youre saying it loud. Ok? We can go there"- Normani said "And Also My baby and I is starving"- She added and Pulled Dinah.

"Lets Go! I dont want my baby spending to much time with her Oh so called Bestfriend. I dont trust her"- Lauren said then Cling her   Arms to me.

"So did you introduced her to your parents already?"- I asked Lauren "They met her before but not as a girlfriend but im planning to invite her when i go back to Miami"- She answered

"You two should take care of each other."- I said"You two will end up marrying each other i swear"- i added and she smiled and Squealed

"I will not let her go."- She said then look at her front i saw My future sister in law  Smiling widely to her girlfriend.

And i saw Chylee holding some flowers and chocolate.

We went towards them.

"Hiiiiiiiiii Loloooooooo!!! Hi chloeeee! Your babe is there.."- Robi greeted me while hugging her girlfriend..

"Ohhhh you seem so jelly!!"- she teased and i rolled my eyes.

"Of course she is!! Even me if i saw you talking to  your ex lover that much i will get jealous too asshole!"- Lauren said then pinch her ears. "Of courseee i knowwww babeee ouchiiiiee!"- she whined

"Say sorry to her"- Lauren said "Sorry chloe!! lets go and get you girl"- She said and pulled me.

"Hi Chloe!"- Chylee greeted me and i waved "Hello"- I said.

"Oooooh btw why are you here if you dont mind?"- Lauren asked "Im here to visit the bellas you know. Most of them are my friends"- she said "Most of them hate you"- i whispered and Lauren Nudged me.

"Sooo Hiiii Chyleeee! Is that for me? or nah?"- Dinah asked  while pointing those chocolate and Normani smacked her "Just kidding Mani!!! I prefer u than that hehehehe"- Dinah said then she got a smacked again.

"Hmmm no. This is for Beca"- she said shyly and I rolled my eyes. "Thank you Chy"- beca said.

"She just bought you a bars of Chocolates while i can buy you the whole Chocolate factory"- i mumbled and they look at me. "I wish someone could buy me a Banana factory ."- Camila said dreamingly

"And Flowers for you...Your favorite Tulips"- i laughed that made them looked at me." I remember something guys so calm down"- i said and Ally chuckled "Thank you again Chylee again"- she said

"Tsssk i can buy you a whole flower shop"- i mumbled

"what is your problem!'"- I flinched when Beca Yelled at me "Im not doing anything beca!"- i yelled back

"As if i believe you! tsssk! Come on Chylee lets talk inside the tent"- She said then i rolled my eyes.

"Is she the reason that you wanted a space?"-  i asked and she look at me "None of your damn business Chloe"- She said and She grabbed Chylee's hand then walked away.

Dang! it hurts seeing her hold her hands in front of me.

"Damn you Beca!"- I yelled and she gave me a middle finger sign.

"damn it!"- I yeller and kicked the rock "Want A night out with us? Dont worry They are not included"- Aubrey offered "Only us"- Stacie said

"I agree! We better have a night out and clear your mind"- Ally said

"Ohhh yeahhhh!!! its good we have a 2 days breaks starting now so lets go!"- Flo said.


"Goshhh!!! Jessica and Ashley your bar is ughh!! OMG!!"- Emily squealed "Enjoy girls!! You can get whatever you want to drink it will be free!"- Jessica said and Ashley nodded

"Omg i love you both!!"- Amy said "Even though you two are like old woman"- she added and walk away

"Lets enjoy the night girls!! "- Aubrey said

I went to the Counter "Alcohol 360° please"- i said

and the Girl gave me 360°.

I watched my friends mind their own business. My sister in law and Lauren were dancing.  They were partying. My gosh i miss this.


The girls are drunk now and Only the 5 of us were sober.

Me, Cynthia, Ally, Normani and Lily.

I saw Robi stood and carry her girl. "Oh my Robi careful "- Ally said then help her carry Lauren"Dont worry Al! Im cool im not that drunk just a little bit"-  she said and giggled.

"ok girls!! Lets carry them inside the van!"- Cynthia said then stretched her arms.

"Okkk Posen you are the last one fuckkk!! Careful"- i said and she giggled.

"We are going to the Bellas House and we'll sleep there"- Cynthia informed and i nodded "They smells like shit"- Lily mumbled and i shake my head

"You girls can sleep to my room since Beca and I are sharing."- I said to Normani

"Are you sure?"- Ally asked "I mean you two are not in a good terms"- She asked

"Its fine. I can never mind her tho.'- I said and they nodded

After how many minutes we arrived at the house and carry by one.

I immediately went to our room and saw her sitting on our couch.

I did not even greet her.

"Where did you go? Why did you not invite me"- She asked

"None of your business and You are busy talking to Chylee"- i answered and removed my shoes. "You smell like a gin. Did you go to the bar?"- she asked and i did not answered

"Answer me dont be like that Beale"- she said

"I can do whatever i want. If i dont want to answer you i can do that"- i said

"Whats your problem?"- she asked

i closed my eyes and Faked snoring

i heard her sighed. "she was not the reason. i just need to find myself before i come back to you"-  she said and laid beside me. I felt her arms wrapping my body "I love you"- she said and kissed my cheek.

Maybe I can just give what she  wants.

Maybe after the  shooting i will distance myself for a while.

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