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Robi's POV
We arrive at London so Early i think 7 in the morning and we decided to checked in because we are really really tired.

Im here now at the Balcony. Having a chill time.

"Beca where the hell are you fuck? Hobart did not give the exact location of yours "- i whispered then close my eyes

I am not going to give up not now. My Plan Bring Back Bechloe is real . I will never stop on anything.

(*Hey!!!!You Pick Up the phone Asshole!*)

My Phone Rang and i frowned when i saw the Contact Name.


Me:Hey Conrad!? Whats up?

S:I miss you. And I want you know that your sister is at the (Tells the address)

Me:I miss you too Stacie. And Thankkk youuu gotta hang up the  phone now! ok? See you soon Luvyah

as i hang up the phone a immediately went inside to wake them up.

"Guyyyysss!!! Wakey wakey!!'- i shouted and Only  Mani and Lauren woke up."Fuck it Mitchell! We still need a rest!"- Lauren Groaned while stretching "Yeah! I agree with her "- Normani said then scratched her head

I shake my head"Duh Im waking you up because i wanna say that I know where my sister is. And we will go to her place at exactly 6 in the evening. So we have "- I looked to my Watch its 10:30 in the morning"7 hours to prepare go! Back to bed Kiddos! I'll wake you at 1 to prepare."- i said and kissed their foreheads.

"You should rest too Mitchell"- Lauren said then going back to her Sleep

I shake my head. These Girls are part of my life specially the little woman who's wearing my hoodies. I gave her a kiss in lips and go back to the terrace of the hotel.

I opened my camera and started Vlogging

"Hello whats up Aliens! Its me Robi and I am here at London! With the girls but sssssh i need to be chill and Quiet because they are sleeping so hard. Its been a while since i have uploaded my Vlog and this time. I will Answer some Questions of some lucky Aliens.So lets start!'- i scrolled my twitter and "It is From @Camrenisreal9697 How does it feel being with girls all the time?"-  i smiled "Hi to you! @Camrenisreal9697 and my answer to your Question is Im so Honored that i am with them all the time! Imagine 5 Gorgeous girls?Im so honored!"- i answered and chuckled

"Next! @AllybrookesBaby Robi! Rumours are spreading about Troy and Ally's dating Rumour what you think about it since you are ally's Girlfriend?"- i knew the rumours already but i trust my girl"Man I can say its so fake because you know Ally is With me All the time with the girls and Even though she is not with me i trust her and i know she will never cheat on me"- i answered and blew a kiss

I answered a more than 15 questions and i say goodbye to them because i need to take a bath. And wake up the girls because we need to keep going

but first before i go to the Bathroom. I'll draw some funny things on the Girls faces. And took a picture of it.


"Robi! I will not forgive you on what you have done to my face and I should be the Queen of pranks not you!"- Dinah groaned and i just laughed"I will not forgive you unless you'll buy me a bunch of nutella!"- Lauren said while pouting then Camila Kissed it"You are cute babe! Iwuvchoo!"- Camila Cooed and Lauren blushed

"Seriously Im so thankful that Mitchell only drew some whiskers and Mustache in my face unlike Dinah. Theres a dick in her forehead "- Normani said the shrugged

"And Robi Just put some letters on my face saying . I am Ally Brooke Small but Terrible. "- Ally said while Pouting."Mom dont give Mitchell a kiss she drew some inappropriate drawing in Mah fes!"- Dinah said and i just laughed Ally slap my shoulder that caused me to groan

All the way our Road trip is Fun. We made some Beyonce Medley. Fifth Harmony and Little mix medley.

And we even stop to a Fast Food chains to have some food trip.

"So this is it! We are in the front of her door.. Are you sure this is the right address?"- Lauren asked and i nodded

"Im nervous!!!"- i said and Ally held my hand and Tiptoed me for a kiss"Calm down babe. Im happy that you'll see your sister now"- she said "Iloveyou Ally!"- i said "I love you too"- she replied

Camila and Dinah Are fighting over the doorbell. They keep on pushing it. And its kinda annoying now.


Beca's POV
I woke up as the doorbell wont stop on ringing..

"Fuck!why the hell it keeps on ringing"- I groaned then did my morning rituals."My gosh! The fucking Doorbell wont stop fucking Ringing!"- Jesy groaned while stretching.

Little mix and I are living together and this day is our rest fucking day and the visitor ruined it!. And Ruined our Sleep

"What the fuck wait!"- I yelled

"You two should fucking stop ringing the doorbell! Can we just wait until they open the door!"- I heard a familiar Voice outside. And it makes me feel Anxious "Fuck where the hell are the people in here"- Another Familiar Voice said and she ring the doorbell again and i opened the door and Boom! I saw the fifth Harmony with my sister

"Beca!!!"- Fifth Harmony squealed and dump me on the floor. "We miss you Beca! My gosh you have change!!!"- Dinah said then kissed me on cheeks and Camila did the same."Hey! What was that! Beca Are you Ok OMG!!!!FIFTH HARMONY!?"- Leigh-Anne Exclaimed. "Little Mix!!!!!!"- The five girls Gave Little mix a hug and kisses.

I stood up and saw Robi. I opened my arms"Beca! Fucking Mitchell!Damn Imissyou!!"- she yelled and Run to me gave me a koala hug!"Bitch! You are super tall if you dont forget!"- I groaned because probably Landed to the floor again"My gosh I miss you too little sister!?"- I said we are both Crying because of happiness imagine! Seeing your sister after 2 years.

"Robi Mitchell!?"- Jade and Perrie exclaimed."Oh Hi!Jade and Perrie Nice to finally meet you!'- Robi said then Gave them a hugged which made them squealed and Blush. I rolled my eyes.

"By the way guys! I want you to meet Robi Mitchell my dearest sister"- i proudly said

And she waved.

"You two are sisters!?"- Little mix asked

"Hell yeah they are!"- fifth Harmony answered and My sister and i Both laughed

This will be Fun.

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