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Beca's POV
I woke up 6 at the morning, Seeing a beautiful ginger lady beside me sleeping peacefully.

She was hugging me so tight right now and i dont know how to get out of her hug silently.

I need to buy her a ring its now or never.

I brushed my teeth and Went out Quietly.

I've explored Rome until my car brought me to a Weird Jewelry shop.

"BUONGIORNO SIGNORA( GOODMORNING MAAM)"- the sales lady greeted me

"BUONGIORNO Hai un anello di fidanzamento?  (goodmorning do you have an engagement ring?)"- I asked and she smiled

"In questo modo signora(in this way madam)"- she said then i followed her. The sales lady showed me a lot of engagement ring but none of them got my attention. Until i saw the ring with a blue stone. I went on where the ring is. "Questo è già riservato?(Is this reserved already?)"- i asked and she shook her head."
La tua ragazza deve essere fortunata se hai intenzione di acquistare un anello come questo. Hanno detto che dare un anello con una pietra blu farà durare un paio.(Your girlfriend must be lucky if you plan to buy a ring like this. They said that giving a ring with a blue stone will make a couple last.)"- i smiled

"lo spero, comunque lo comprerò (i hope so ,I'll buy it anyway"- i said

They gave me a free engagement box it was color Blue with a white Flowers on its design "Grazie?!( thank you)"- i said and i went back to our hotel

I was smiling walking to our hotel room while looking at the ring. I held the doorknob but it was locked.

I saw the Guy last night "Hi! I just wanna inform you that Ms.Beale went out in rush"- He said then walked away.

Oh my gosh! I need to call --- God! I dont have her number...

I sat in front of her door and I waited for her until my eyes went heavy and i fell asleep.

"Beca is that you?"- i heard a Voice as i opened my eyes i saw Chloe that was fresh from crying. "Hey! What happened babe? why are you crying"- i asked worriedly but i did not get an answer instead of she hugged me then sobbed. "i thought i lost you again"- she said

I hugged her "I just went to Flo and Chy's place and paid for the dinner yesterday."- i lied "Im sorry for making you worry i dont want to interrupt you from hmmmm"- She cut my words with a kiss.

"Its ok baby i understand the important is you are here"- she said and she smiled. "Have you eaten already? By the way babe The Gang will come here as in now. They immediately book a flight right now they said they want to see us"- she said and i nodded.

We went inside our hotel room and watched Brave while waiting for them.

"Babe? are you ok? You are under your super deep thoughts?"- she asked "Babe i am fine dont worry im just thankful that we are together again"- I said and she smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Stop kissing will you?And Open the door!!!"- someone yelled outside and i rolled my eyes.

I ran to the door and opened it and saw My sister Fifth Harmony Little Mix and Bellas are here with Chy.

"I told you they are together"- Chylee said and i smiled.

"Bechloe!!!!!"- They said and they crushed us with hugs.
My sister and I left the hotel and now Chloe knows.

We went Road trip and talked about our lives.

"Im so glad that you are happy again Becs. This time please take care of each other"- she said while focused on the road. "I will and you too. "- she said and smiled

"So? Whats your plan with Lauren?"-  I asked and she smiled. "I met her parents and she introduced me as her girl of course. We fight sometimes but we can make up on everything. You know my woman has an abnormal mood swings but i dont care"- she said and we both laughed."How about you what are your  plans now that you are together again?"- she asked

" Im going to propose tomorrow"- i said and she looked at me and focused on the road immediately."Really where?You want help? "- she asked "I just need you all to be there but without her knowing and take a video and picture of us"- I said and she nodded.

"Wow!This is the second time Beca. And dont worry no one will ever interrupt your wedding. By the way after your Wedding I will propose to my girl"- She said and i nodded.

"We should go back now Kid.  Our girls will be mad at us and think that we are cheating "- i said and we laughed "So true lets go now"- she said and drove back to the hotel.
.We arrived and the girls were all asleep even though my Girlfriend.

"Beca Im gonna get Lauren out of here. We have a reserved room at your left side. Bye and goodnight"- Robi said and she carried Lauren.

I Went to Chloe's Position and Laid beside her. She put her arm above my Tummy and she sniffed my neck "I love you and goodnight babe"- i mumbled "I love more Beca"- she said and i kissed her temple..




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