CY21: Titanium

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Beca's POV
I am here at our tent resting for a while. And I am here in front of my sister Face Timing with her girlfriend Lauren.

"Beca hey! Join me here! The Girls wants to see you"- My sister said and i came to her side. "Hi Girls! How are you?"- I asked "We are Okkkk!! But We Both Miss you!!! And Btw we are planning to Visit you there in Atlanta as soon as Uncle Simon Give us a break!"-  Ally Informed

"Yeah!! and this Planet Green Eyes is missing the Gray eyed girl!"-  Camila pointed Lauren.

"Is My baby behave in there Beca?"- Lauren asked "Not really! She bully me and everyone in the set. There was a time that she out things."- and they laughed. "Its an effect without lauren here!. Imissyou babe! and I miss you girls! I miss touring with you!"- My sister said then started pouting what a duck face!.

And she smacked me"I heard that Asshole!"- she said and the girls laughed at me

"We need to keep going! Mitchells! We still have song to record bye!!!'- Ally said "I love you Papiii!"- Lauren said then gave My sister a flying Kiss. My sister Got it and Put it to her lips. "I love you too Laurenza!"- She said then Threw a kiss and Lauren did the same.

"Stoppp thiss weirdness!! byeee bish!"- Dinah said and ended.

"Beca!!Prepareee!!"- Our directress said and i yelled Ok.

i went immediately to the set and again everything flashed back... Its always the same.

I saw Chloe and a guy that was supposed to be thomas but he died.. Its awkward and kinda irritating but its a part of work.


In one stall, we see two pairs of feet. There’s whispering.

MALE VOICE:You said we’d try it.

FEMALE VOICE:I’ll get electrocuted!


Beca walks in, holding a shower caddy and singing Sia’s“Titanium.” She looks up beat in a way we haven’t seen before. The feet freeze.


Beca doesn’t notice them, gets into another stall, and turns the water on. As she waits for the water to warm, the camera pans over Beca’s shoulder.
REVEAL: Chloe, listening, all smiles.

Chloe:You can sing!

Beca SCREAMS and attempts to cover her bits with her loofa.

CHLOE :How high does your belt go?

BECA:My what?!

CHLOE:The tone of your voice is beautiful. You have to audition for the Bellas!

Beca grabs a shampoo bottle and holds it over her chest.

BECA: i can’t concentrate on anything you’re saying til you cover your junk.

CHLOE:Just consider it. One time we sang back up for Prince. His butt is so tiny, I can hold it with one hand.

[get alts]

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