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Robi's POV
i woke up with my whole body aching. My sister is not here anymore and im glad that she is not here anymore.

Jeeeez! Thomas Men are good in punching but im greater than them.

"Hello Do you hear me Swift?"- I asked carefully.

"Mitchell Are you ok? "- Taylor Asked "Yeah im fine its just minor."- i answered

"Minor Your Ass Mitchell! This is not what we planned seriously?'- Dinah yelled at me. "Calm down Dinah. Our Newbies are good in acting. I just need to act more believable now. "- I answered

"Hello this is Daquis Informing you that Bellas Fifth Harmony and Little Mix Arrived the Area."- They informed us.

"Do you hear me Agents? As the Leader of this Mission i want you to calm and Cool until i informed you to attack  Dont mind me focus on work. Are we Clear?"- i asked

"Crystal Clear Maam"- They answered in Unison.

"Dude careful ok? Your girlfriend is devastated right now"- Amy said sternly

"I will.."- i answered

I focused on removing the ropes in my Hands and I succeeded.

I sighed."Hey You still there."- Someone asked and i smiled "Im still here of course how can i get out of here?"- I asked sarcastically. "Jeez You are really like a disaster Dude"- He chuckled and i rolled my Eyes then went towards me."Shawn What are you doing? You need to go away and do your mission ."- i said Sternly
"Look! Ma'am i just came here to give you this Kunai and your favorite Gun. "- He said and i nodded"Just fucking Stop!!!Laughing at me!'- He yelled and he winked and left.

Shawn Mendes is my newbie a very close friend of  mine too. He has a Crush on Camila.

"Mitchell There's away in the window. I have hacked the Cameras you can go now"- Delavingne informed me "Copy"- i said i opened the window and started to Climb to the ladder.And went straight to the girls location.

I can do this. I've been on a death for how many times. Not this time.


Dinah's POV
it was my first mission and i am kinda nervous but i cant let the team and the girls down.

I cant disappoint my bestfriend right now. She needs our help there.

Im also excited to have a first kill!

"Hello! Mitchell here! I want Lily Amy Dinah enter the room using the window.Without them knowing."- Robi Ordered us. "Can you do it? "- she asked"Yes. Mitchell just a minute. We will be there"- Lily informed

"Ok ok!"- she answered

"You ready Kid?"- Lily asked "i was born Ready "- i said then Prepared

"Ok Bitches lets go"- Amy said

"Remember to signal us if you are helping the girls to escape."- Liam said and we nodded.

"We are done Hacking the system. You can go now"-  Delavingne said

I cant still believe most of the artists are agents. Like Taylor Swift Ariana Grande The One Direction Cara Delevingne.

"Thonatos? You here me? Prepare for your sniper are you in position?"- Robi asked "Prepare for the distraction. Inform the newbies to Calm down"- She added.

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