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Beca's POV
I woke up with my body Aching..And I saw My sister on the Other side.

Then i remembered everything. My eyes Widened.


My sister and i set up a Bonding time. And we are at the Park with a guitar.

"Beca Im happy that you are happy again"- She said while staring at the Sky. "And I am happy that you found Lauren. Always remember Age Gap doesn't Matter"- I said then Pat her Head.

"Can you promise me one thing?"- I look at her and I nodded. She clap and showed a Box its a Necklace with a Moon pendant."Whats this?'- i asked confusely "Give it to Lauren."- She said and I frowned "Why me?"- I asked

"Just give it to Lauren tell her its from me. Give it to her when you think its time to give it"- She said and i hesitantly nodded.

"Robi? Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for staying and Supporting me. Youre the best sister in the world. "- I said and she smiled "Eew! Too cheesy but welcome! You know I will protect you and i am always here for you. I love you Becs"- Robi said and smiled and Furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hey!!!"- She yelled and i feel a hard thing that hit my head and Everything went black......


"Robi! Hey Wake up"- I whispered carefully then Threw my left shoe to her head. And i succeeded "Beca What the fuck!?"- She yelled and her eyes widened." Are you ok?"- she asked emotionless.

"Robi Where are we?"- I asked and she shrugged "I dont know Beca but we need to Get out of here"- she said while scanning the Room.

"Oh well!! Mitchell sisters! Nice seeing you!"- The man with a Rabbit mask entered. "Who are you!!'- I yelled.

"Sooner Dear you will know who i am? But now i want a little game. Boys! Get them in front of me"- The Rabbit Guy said then the Guys get us. We tried to escape but they are too strong. "Ok Lets Play a Game Rock Paper Scissor. If you lose 20 Seconds Beat up will do and If you win you'll be free are we clear. And its Race to 5"- The bunny Guy said

They Removed their grips to our Arms.

"Let the Game Begins"- The Bald Guy said..

"Rock Paper Scissor"- Bunny Guy. Im the scissor Robi is the Paper.
"20 seconds beat up begins!"- the 3 guys started to beat her. I yelled and tried to help her but they hold me so tight.

"1-0, Again!Rock Paper Scissor"- As i pick rock Robi a scissor. I looked at her she smiled and dont mind her broken nose Bleeding. "Beca Wins.beat her sister! 20 seconds now!'- Bunny guy.

They hold me so tight and force me to Watch them while beating my sister. "2-0. Prepare "Rock Paper Scissor"- this time Im the Paper and Robi was the scissor. "20 seconds now!"- Robi yelled as they Started to beat me. It hurts! They Punched me on Face Kick me on my legs punched me on my Torso."Last two! 2-1 Rock Paper Scissors!'- Bunny Guy. I look at Robi Trying hard to stand. I was the Rock and She was the scissor.
I did not hear the Bunny guy but they started to beat her. The guy Hit her Back Using his baseball bat.

"3-1 Mitchells!"- Bunny guy yelled and Robi force to stand Up. "Always remember If you win and let you free never go back ok?"- she whispered and i gulped. Does she know about this at all? "Rock Paper Scissor!"- Bunny Guy yelled
I was scissor and Robi was the Paper but she made it Scissor. She smiled and Mouth 'I love you'

"Ok Boys!Let Beca Mitchell Free and dont forget the gift with her. And Boys!You can beat Robi Mitchell for 5 minutes."- They nodded as the Guy get me.

"No!! Fuck Get off me!!!"- i yelled "Dont touch her!!"- I yelled again. No i cant watch my sister suffering. "Im sorry! Hahahahaha but Your sister will suffer!"- the Guy in my left said.

They Blind folded me and i can feel that our ride started to move.
I cant help but to Sob. What kind of sister am i? I left her there. I let them to beat her up.

Chloe's POV
We are here to Robi and 5H's Place along with the Little Mix and Bellas.

We are waiting for Mitchell sisters because they went bonding.

"What you think They doing right now?"- Stacie asked

"About Music or about their lives? maybe!"- Aubrey Answered.

We are at the middle of Talking when someone Knocked "Its Them!"- Emily said then rushed to open the door."Hi Mitchell sis---Beca!? What happened oh My gosh!!"- Emily Blurted Aubrey and I looked at Each other then Rushed to Look for her.

And I saw Beca Has a Bruises and wounds to her Body and Face.She is Crying. "What kind of Sister am I? I left her in that Building. "- she said and Cried. I grabbed her hand and let her sit the girls look at her worriedly.

"Beca Where's my girlfriend?"- Lauren asked Innocently. "Laur..en Left Alone on that Building. They are torturing her. I..m s..orr...y she lost the Game and th..ey let ...f...ree..we were kid...nappe...d I..m so..rrry"- she answered and she gave a phone...The girls are shocked even me.."What No!!No! Please tell me no"- Lauren yelled Normani and Dinah is trying to Calm her Down.

"Wait Someone wants a Video Chat!"- Camila Pointed the Phone

"Answer it"- Leigh-Anne said the answered.

"Hi Bellas! Fifth Harmony and Little Mix did you love my Surprise!!!"- The Bunny Guy asked "Who the fuck are you!?Where's My sister!?"- Beca Yelled while Crying

"Oh Hi To you beca! Congratulations for winning the Game! Well your sister? Here she is!"- then Showed the Room where Robi was she's Sitting at the Middle. Weak and bleeding. Her face was full of Wounds and Bruises."Do you love it? Well!----Hey you Bunny Guy! Wait For me! You'll surely die with my bare hands!"- Amy yelled and The Guy Laughed!!!"If you say so!Fat Ass! My surprise is not Over yet!"- He said and Ended the call.

Lily walk upstairs. Amy do some things to the Bathroom and Dinah went to Kitchen.

A moment of silence in the Living room. Lauren still crying. My babe still Crying and keep on blaming herself.

And someone Knocked Jade stood up to open it. "Who are---Get the girls Now!!!"- Someone yelled and a bunch of Guy Entered and Threw a Chemical. And The whole Living Room went Blue. I heard the girls Coughing and Screaming.I blinked twice i cant breath and i feel dizzy. Its Happening again....


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