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Beca's POV
This is the day i have been  waiting. I will propose to her and  its the second time.

The Girls was scattered around the Crowded street of Rome.

Chloe doesn't know about it.

We are walking on the street. Talking about us. About random things.

"Babe Im so hungry can we eat ?"- She asked cutely "Sure babe? what do you want to eat?"- i asked

"You?"- she answered and I look at her and she laughed "What i mean is How about you what do you want to eat? You dirty minded psssh'- She said then rolled her i chuckled

"I think i want pizza? You agree with that?"- i asked and she nodded

We went to a famous pizzeria and we ate. I saw a girl wearing a classic fashion style taking us a picture and that is Camila.

"Good Morning Gorgeous ladies!May i know what is your Order Please?"- That voice was really fake one and its kinda obvious. I look at him at it look likes Jade "Can we have the most popular Pizza?"- i asked "Oh sureeee loves how about you Hun?"- She asked Chloe "I want a water please thank you"- she said and Jade nodded.

"So When are we going to Come back to LA?"-  I asked

"Maybe this saturday?"- she said then smiled. "We are going to live to--------Beca!"- i heard Someone yelled my name and its Aubrey "Can i talk to you for a second?"- she asked and Chloe Signaled me to go talk to her

"Hey Aubrey what do you want?"- I asked and she smack me "Hey!!!Why?"- i exclaimed and she showed me the box "You forgot your Ring dumbass!"- she said

"Oh my thank you Aubrey!!!"- i said and hugged me "always welcome Bitch! Goodluck"- she said and walked away

"Babe Lets go i am not starving anymore"- she said then she informed that she canceled our order.

And we continued walking as we passing by the other side of the street she held my hand so tight.

We are in the super crowded area of Rome. The girls informed me that they are here scattered and Disguising.

They instructed a group of people to walk between us so that i can hide in the bunch of people.

And it was successful.


Chloe's POV
While we are walking in the crowded area of Rome a bunch of people walked between us and we got separated...

"Beca!!!!Where are you!!"- I yelled and No one answered "Beca this is not Funny i swear!'- I yelled again. And i heard a guitar playing.

Six on the second hand
Two New Year's resolutions
And there's just no question
What this man should do

The crowd of people was divided into to. And I saw my girl playing a guitar walking towards me.

Take all the time lost
All the days that I cost
Take what I took and
Give it back to you

Most of the people are holding their phones filming it. I froze at my position and can feel the bullet train running to my heart.

All this time
We were waiting for each other
All this time
I was waiting for you
We got all these words
Can't waste them on another
So I'm straight in a straight line
Running back to you

The next thing there are 10 kids Heading to me holding a flower they give it to me and gave me a hug.

I don't know what day it is
I had to check the paper
I don't know the city
But it isn't home

I saw Little Mix and Fifth Harmony Forming a heart shape around me along with the 10 kids.

But you say I'm lucky
To love something that loves me
But I'm torn as I could be
Wherever I roam

The Bellas appeared behind Beca.

Hear me say

All this time
We were waiting for each other
All this time
I was waiting for you
We got all these words
Can't waste them on another
So I'm straight in a straight line
Running back to you

Fifth Harmony:
Yeah, all, running back to you
All, running back to you
Oh, every time is so far
It's just so far
To get back to where you are

All this time
We were waiting for each other
All this time
I was waiting for you
We got all these words
Can't waste them on another
So I'm straight in a straight line
Running back to you
Straight in a straight line
Running back to you
Straight in a straight line
Running back to you

"Beca what is this Babe?"- i asked confusingly "Ssssh babe dont talk and Move as i have instructed you"- she said and smiled.

"We've been a lot of pains this past few years. We have struggled with our friends. We broke apart for some reasons and we met again but we broke apart again. As the time pass by i realized that i wasnt complete without you. I was not happy without you. Two years when you run away my heart became Stone and I started not to care for everybody that much. But you prove that you deserve this chance we deserve a one more shot. Chloe Beale I am Beca Mitchell Promising you that whatever happens i will not let you to do it by yourself. I will protect you no matter what it takes. I will hold and hug you through pains and joy. Asking you will you marry me? You can see that i am not that near from you. It  is have 15 step. You have 15 step going to me  if you say yes or 15 step walking away from  me if it is no."- Shes smiled and kneeled I walk slowly towards her without any hesitation.

This time No more chasing no More Games. Maybe there will be a pain but swear to God i will never go away. "YES BECA I WILL MARRY YOU"-  she said and she put the ring on my finger and kissed me.

The crowds clapped and yelling.


"I Love you So much Beale"- she mumbled

"I love you too so much babe"- I replied and hugged her tight.

In her arms i feel safe and great.


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