CY11:Talk back and Kiss

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Im so pissed right now Chloe hasn't been texting me. Why? Im pissed we are not together tho! But im still pissed!

"Man i know Chloe Did not texted you since Forever will you olease stop chanting spells! "- Robi Said while Focused on the movie

"You idiot im not chanting spells"- i said then slap her arms and she just rolled her eyes"Man! Swear! If american Horrors are Scary Japanese Filipino Korean and Chinese and Thai are the Scariest!!!"- Perrie said while Burrying her face to Jade's Shoulder

"Hi! Im theresa and im a good girl"-  Dinah said Mimicing the voice of the Young girl in the movie (A/N try to watch Maria Leonora Theresa Guys!!!!) 

"Dinah Stop!You are scaring me!!"- Camila Whined "Okkk!! Next Moviiieeeeeeeeee Train to Busan Bes!!!"- Robi yelled "Robi No!!! I dont want a  Horror! Its kinda Scary!"- Ally disAgreed "Ok! Lets Watch Death Bell or Text? Or I am  a Hero or Ouch!!!! Beca?!??? What the Hell?';"- i hit her "Lets watch Horror tomorrow again. For now lets*DingDong*"- I was interrupted by the doorbell

"Ok Dinah open the Door"- I commanded "Manibear Please open the Door"- she commanded Normani"Leigh kindly Open the door please"- she said while focused on the movie"Jesy---Gosh!!Stop I'll open the door alone... tsssk"- i hissed and i stood

As i saw who's been Pushing the Doorbell"Hi ba---*Blag*"- i immediately close the door.

Well its Chloe Effin Beale"Beca! Who is it?"- Ally asked"Its a girl with a ginger girl. Dont open the door its already late"- I answered and they nodded"Goodnight girls!"-  I yelled and they said goodnight too

I went to my room and i felt that my phone is Vibrating

Ginger💖 Calling .....

i push the red button and texted her.

Dont talk to me Chloe Go home!

And i put my phone on my desk.

I laid to my bed and as i close my eyes i hear some scratch on my terrace.

"Ouch.Shit"- someone whispered

Out of curiousity i saw Chloe. Climbing."What the hell Chloe!! I said go back to your hotel i dont want to talk to you and stop it"- i said turn back "Atleast here me out and please help me here"- She said while struggling

"You should go home lets talk tomorrow"- i said"Ok! If i stop  holding so tight in here i might fall and die!"- she yelled and my eyes widened I help her to Climb

"Now i want you Out"- i said sternly  "Nope! I wont get out of here unless you tell me why did you did that. Slamming the door ? Really?"- she asked and i arc my eyebrow"Do you really need to ask that you knew the answer Chloe!'- i yelled and she sighed"Beca I will not ask you if i knew the fucking answer"- she said Calmly

"Because You did not texted me! My gosh! You made me worried Chloe! Im like an idiot here asking myself if you are fucking ok!"- i yelled and she smiled"Stop Smiling!!!You ging---mmmm Dont kis--mmmm Chlo---mmmm'- I was cut by her kiss.

"Talk back and i'll kiss you. Calm Down Babe ok? Im sorry i did not texted you. Fat Amy used my phone all the time and im sorry"- she said giving me a sincere look

"Why did you let hmmmm.. Chloe..mmm swearmmmm"- she kissed me again and Again "Talk back and I'll kiss you"- she said again

And i rolled my eyes "Hey stop rolling you mmmm"- i cut her by my kiss "Fine! Reason accepted now get out and go back "- i said and she Pouted

"Can i sleep here?"- she asked while giving me a puppy eyes"Ugh stop that puppy eyes Chloeeee yay'-!- i said while closing my eyes"Ok i will leave now you dont want me to stay here tho ossh"- she said i grabbed her Waist and kissed her"Im just kidding Ok?Im sorry and of course you can sleep with  me but you need to borrow a clothes because you know im small ---Oh Hi Bechloe! Gladly that i showed before i saw you having a sexercise and Yeah this is the Clothes that you wanted to borrow. You can choose and how did you came here i did not notice you---(Camila Cabello! stop ruining their Sexercise!)"- I mentally facepalmed "So bye! You can Continue having a warm up'- she said then wiggled her brows

"That Kid is Weird"- i said and Chloe Laughed"You are weirder"-  she said then tackled me on my bed"Lets sleep now ok? Iloveyou dwarf."- She said then kissed me.

We cuddled until we fell asleep.The night Past and we woke up with the noise of the phone cameras that has been taking a picture of us non stop.

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