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Robi's  POV
Ok so my sister just proposed to Chloe and i am so happy for them.And this day will be our last day here in Rome and i am with my Girl Lern Jergi.

We are currently watching A walk to remember while cuddling. I smiled as i remember something.

The day she invited me to their family dinner. She introduced me as her girlfriend and i can say that its fucking excellent.

I mean her Mom and Dad loves me and even her siblings.

Lauren is My Lauren. Im sure about her and whatever happens i will stay to her even though time will come that we are going to argue or fight everyday.

I love her to death.

"Lauren? Babe?"- i called her and she just hummed "Nothing I just wanna say I love you"-  i said softly which made her look "You did something didnt you?"- shw asked and i chuckled

"Calm down Babe I wont do anything stupid. I love you ok? Even though you are such  Brutal and Bully girlfriend."-  i said which made her pout

"I bully you because i love you and i always want to bite your shoulder because its fleshy "- she explained "Babe i wanna give you something"- i said and i get a ring on my pocket.

"Whats that?"- She asked

"Its a ring babe of ouch! babe why'd you do that?"- i asked and she rolled her eyes "I know its a ring asshole sssh"- she said

I grabbed her Hand and Put it to her finger "Its a promise Ring. When i was an agent before We have this they believe that if this ring was given to their love ones that means they need to take care of the promise that they made. This Promise ring is for you I have kept it for how many years now and i can say that you are the woman i wanna be with. You've witnessed my worst and my best. You've stayed even though the time came that i have really hated myself. You cheered me up and still cheering me up. You've prove yourself that you really love me. Babe I promise that when the time will come that we dont have a time to each other always remember that i will make things up. I promise that of you were about to give up will make you remember the time that we've fought for each other to the days that the destiny dont want us. I promise that i will never ever cheat on you. I will stay Faithful and Loyal to you. I love you Jauregui and i just want you know that i love the way you beat girls that wants to Flirt with me. I  love the way you get jealous. I love everything about you. I love you as a woman. Take this ring as a promise of my long lasting Love"- i said and kissed her forehead

"I love you Mitchell and i just want you to know that Same to you because your speech is to long same to you."- i giggled "I will always love you. Im so luck to have you"- she said and cupped my cheeks and kissed me " I have something to give too!"- she said as she showed a PT.

"Are you?"- i asked and she nodded

"Yes baby I am we are having  a baby"- Lauren said

Did i mentioned that i have a dick? Well i have a dick hahahaha so what i have dick.

I smiled and Hugged her tight!! "We are having a baby!"- I yelled
"Hi baby I'm your Mama and Im going to name you Sperm"- I said and kissed Lauren's tummy

"Babe what the fuck seriously Sperm?"- she asked and i nodded "No! Im not letting you"- i laughed

"If you dont want sperm then i will name our baby Egg!"- She smacked me damn i was just kidding

"Babee!! dont you dare. I love you but its a no! "- She said

"Ok fine babe i wont name our baby Sperm or Egg. But sperm will be her/His nickname"- she rolled her eyes

"I love you and fine just a nickname tho! Come cuddle with me"- she said and i obeyed her

Well she's the boss so yeah im whipped so what.

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