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Beca's POV

this night is been a Cool and a Nightmare.

Cool because
1. I saw Chloe and Everything is in the process
2.I saw my nerds again
3.  An Engagement happened

Nightmare because
1.Ally was Engaged now but with Troy
2.Robi is Broken Hearted
3.The Reunion ended And we need to go

I am here Fixing myself before i leave.

"So this is a Goodbye! Guys. I will miss you and Hope to see you soon"- i said and Hug them one by one

"Of course bitch! We'll see each other and have reunion again because youre going to be Kidnap again and We will rescue you"- Fat Amy said and I glared at her"Im just Kidding Fellas!"- She said then Shook her head

"We'll miss you too! Look for our Baby Ok? She's Broken hearted "- Stacie said then Kiss my cheek

"So this is a Goodbye now Nerds. One last Hug"-  I said and we group hug and Gave a goodbye to them

"Hey Becs! Im gonna walk with you til we reach your ride"- Chloe offered and i nodded

She smiled and We intertwined our hands as we walked.

"I will miss you. You know that right?"- she asked and i looked at her"I always knew that Chlo and I will miss you too."- i said that cause her Smile.

"So when are you Planning to Go Back to LA?"- She asked and I shrugged"Maybe after my contract i still have 2 months"-  i said and she pouted"Tell me ok? so i can pick you up"- she said and i nodded and Gave my phone."Exchange numbers babe"-  i said and she nodded

I dont want to end this night. "I dont want to end this night too."- she said and look at her eyes.

Those Eyes. "Can i kiss you for goodbye?"- she asked

Since she is taller than me i tiptoed and kiss her. "Text me when you get home ok?"- she said

"Of course baby "- i answered and she kiss my temple and i gave her a tight hug.

"I'll see you soon Beale. Goodbye"- i smiled and she nodded"Bye Mitchell take care of yourself"- i nodded and waved for the last time and i entered our ride with a smile.

"Ooooh! I see that someone is really happy "- Jesy said while poking my cheek

The girls look at me with a grinned"Im happy that youre happy now"- Normani said

"Thank you Mani"- i said and she nodded as she cover Dinah with her Arms

Ally is here but she was Quiet."Hey ally"- i greeted her with a smile"Congratulations"- i greeted and she said thank you

"Hey Ally dont be like that sunshine! Robi did not want this. And hey Girls dont be mad her lets accept the fact they are not meant. I mean lets be happy with their decision"- I said and smiled

"Im sorry guys. I did not see this coming i thought im over with Troy but  no. Im sorry i understand that you are mad at me because i hurt Robi"- she Rambled and i shake my head

"Im sorry too. For what i have acted i just cant accept that you cheated to her. But congratulations im happy for you and we  are still friends we will support you no matter what"- Camila said

"We love you sunshine!"- We said and Hug her.

"Guys! Stop hugging without Us!"- Lauren said then Robi and Her Joined.

"Hey Ally i just want you to know i did this because its my choice. I want you to know that I love you and we are still best friends. Dont be so guilty ok? I may be broken but its worth it"- my sister said and she kiss Ally's Forehead

And she sit beside me and Lauren
"Luisito Lets keep going now."- Robi said and he nodded

The whole trip is quiet."Im so proud of you kid"- I whispered to Robi and she smiled"I know Beca. Im so proud of you too"- she said

"Maam we're here"-  Luisito Informed us.

"Ok Luisito. Can you please wait for a while we dont want to wake the girls so we need to Carry them"- I said and he nodded

We started to Carry the heavy girls first."I cant Carry them. Im too Tired."- We both said

And Boom! An idea Came"Guysss!!!Wake up Wake up!!!! Our house has been robbed!!"- i yelled and they opened their Eyes widened

"Just Kidding! We are here now we cant carry you all"- And i receive a Glare to them and i just gave them a Peace sign

They went out and Lauren was the last"Robiiibii Carry me now"- She said "No Lauren. Walk and go outside"- Robi said and Lauren Glared at Robi"Fine come on"- she said then Partly kneeled to gave Lauren a Piggy back ride.

"Whipped"- i said while shaking my head"Oh shut Up Beca. Lauren is such a kid thats why i carried her"- she said and i shrugged "Goodnight dwarf!"- she said and went up

"Goodnight Kiddo"- i yelled back

I went to my room and Wear my Onesie. I get my phone and i texted Chloe

Hey Babe! We are home and im ready for sleep.

Hey Glad your home now. Im here at my hotel room with Amy and Aubrey we are ready to sleep.

Thank you for this night Chloe💖

Anything for you Beca!💖Btw i miss you🙄💔

I miss you more😗. We should sleep now tho. I'll text you tomorrow. Goodnight Beale Iwuvchu😘

Yay!I agree with that. Goodnight Mitchell dream of me dwarf iwuvchutoo😘💖

I closed my phone and laid to my comfiest bed!

This night is the best! Cant wait for tomorrow..And forever💖

(Short Update..... thats all i've got for now. sowy)

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